
How band submissions work

THE BEAST » Forum » Band Submissions » Page » How band submissions work
Zach Moonshine
01/30/17 07:43:33PM
194 posts

Sign up and create a profile for your band, default level you get 3 tracks you can upload.

These tracks are public and available for streaming to anyone visiting the site public visitors can not download the tracks only members of the site can download tracks.

In your account settings you can also add your youtube channel id and this will make your profile automatically upload all videos from youtube and show them on your profile.

You can also add music using soundcloud, both soundcloud and youtube are unlimited.

Once your music is added to the site it will show up in our charts on the submit page and home page and be searchable using the search tool in the upper right corner. This way the staff of MDR can find them for play on shows and or for writing reviews etc.

updated by @thebeast: 02/19/20 06:54:25AM
