Francis Roberts to release cinematic album Wednesday October 7 2020, 6:34 PM
Francis Roberts to release cinematic album

Known for his work in  Old Man Wizard  and  King Gorm , producer, composer, and multi-instrumentalist  Francis Roberts  will release the cinemtatic album  Story From Another Time  on November 6th in digital and cassette formats.  The two tracks, each over eighteen minutes long, are described as " a film score for your imagination" -- and they do indeed transport listeners to "another time."

Roberts said of the album, " I wrote and recorded this a few months ago, inspired by additional material and concepts that didn't make it into my score for a portion of the forthcoming film  The Spine of Night . I was so pleased with the result that I decided I had to let it sit while I planned a more proper release. I did this to push the limits of my ability to compose campy 1970s style cinematic music. It's one of my favorite recordings I've created."

"I used pretty much all of my synthesizers and samplers to record it, with the basis of side one being a heavily edited and resampled guitar improvisation and the basis of side two being seemingly endless string loops and bizarre Berlin school style sequences. The album artwork is from a painting called Slayer of the Old Wyrm by Valin Mattheis, one of my favorite currently active artists (whose work you may recognize from my releases with Old Man Wizard). The album will be available digitally and as a very limited cassette (33 copies)."

Preorder the album on bandcamp:  https://francisroberts. another-time

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