IMHA TARIKAT join the Prophecy Productions family via Lupus Lounge Wednesday September 16 2020, 12:00 AM
IMHA TARIKAT join the Prophecy Productions family via Lupus Lounge

IMHA TARIKAT  have  signed  a multi-album deal with the  Prophey Productions sub-label Lupus Lounge  that is dedicated to black metal artists. First release will be the  German black metal  act's forthcoming  second full-length   "Sternenberster"  as well as a  re-issue  of their  debut album "Kara Ihlas"  within a few months.
Kerem Yilmaz aka  Ruhsuz Cellât  comments: "A storm has been unleashed in the Lupus Lounge", declares the  IMHA TARIKAT instigator and mastermind . "It fills me with joy to announce that Imha Tarikat will join a long-term partnership with Prophecy Productions as this unique label is dedicated to dark, emotional, and intense music, which perfectly fits our extremely passionate vision. The decades of experience behind Prophecy will enable our songs to be heard around the globe. Hopefully, you are looking forward to upcoming new releases and the re-issues with as much wild joy as I do!"

Martin Koller  adds: "We are stoked to welcome Imha Tarikat to our family", says the  SPKR media group founder . "The band at first drew my attention for their excellent guitar work and especially the intensity of their vocals. When talking to Kerem, it became quickly apparent that his raw singing is an expression of the extreme passion that he is feeling for his music. This total artistic dedication is exactly what I am looking for in signing bands to this label." 
IMHA TARIKAT band pictures  and other  graphic materials  are available at this link: tarikat
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IMHA TARIKAT  are a  German black metal band  with an old school approach based on the Norwegian second wave combined with melodic Swedish influences from the direction of DISSECTION. Other ingredients of their dark brew include vicious speed parts in the vein of US-stalwards MIDNIGHT, a dash of punk, and even a pinch of occult rock from the likes of THE DEVIL'S BLOOD. Their densely woven string-tapestries allow some distant comparison with compatriots such as THE SPIRIT and possibly DER WEG EINER FREIHEIT, but IMHA TARIKAT clearly chose a more directly raw and fierce form of expression, which is driven by  pure gut instinct and burning emotion .
The sound created by musical mastermind Ruhsuz Cellât is infused with high voltage intensity and a constant outburst of inner pressure that also shows in his relentless full-throttled style of vocals. The extroverted fronter is violently unleashing all his passion into  IMHA TARIKAT . His boundless ambition and utter dedication becomes audible in the fast and steady progression of his songwriting from the first EP "Kenoboros" (2017) and the following demo "Son Mistisizm" (2018) to the 2019 debut-full length "Kara Ihlas".
Line-up Ruhsuz Cellât – vocals, guitars
Marvin Giehr – guitar (live)
P:W – drums (album recording)
Links tarikat
Album-link "Kara Ihlas" PLToXWne2Bk- eiZD8mwqq5o1fNX6Vk7zb5

Band pictures  and  graphic materials

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