Veritas Interviewed By Metal Jacket Magazine! Sunday August 16 2020, 11:03 AM
Veritas Interviewed By Metal Jacket Magazine!
  1. Hi! How are you doing during corona outbreak?

The band is doing well. Everyone is healthy and we are readying the launch of our new cd on 8/28. We have been hard at work on the new material and very excited it will be available worldwide.

  1. What have you cancelled/postponed due coronavirus?

Well like every band, there are no live shows currently but we are already hard at work on writing music for the next cd. Still focusing and moving forward and keeping in touch through social media and phone calls.

  1. How the global coronavirus pandemic is directly impacting bands?

A lot of musicians are losing their source of income and uncertain about their futures. Also missing the feeling and excitement of playing live. Makes all the rehearsing and recording worthwhile to see the peoples reactions to the new material.

  1. How are you keeping your fans during this chaotic period?

Keeping them engaged on different social media platforms and hopefully by releasing new music. It’s a strange time to release a cd but also gives people new music to listen to and hopefully give them hope for when the shows start again.

  1. What will metal look like when we re-emerge from isolation?

I think metal fans are very resilient and metal will always be a strong community. We will find a way to gather for shows and love of music.

  1. Who will suffer the most after all: musicians, organizers promoters…

Well, I would say the promoters and music venue owners are probably suffering the most. They have a total loss of income where there’s probably a large number of musicians that are still working day jobs even under normal circumstances to pay the bills. Plus we still have ways to release our music and sell merchandise to offset some loss from missed shows.

  1. What is your isolation soundtrack?

I don’t have anything in particular as a soundtrack but some of the bands I’ve been listening to recently are. early Savatage, new Fifth angel, new Testament, and of course our new cd Veritas-Threads of Fate.

  1. Besides gigs, what/whom do you miss the most?

I miss seeing friends regularly and going to see live music. Just something about hearing loud music with a bunch of like minded people. Hard to duplicate at home.

  1. Do you have any rehearsals during quarantine? If yes, how do they look like?

We haven’t had any rehearsals recently as we’ve been busy finishing all the needed items to get our cd released. But I have gotten together with the bassist Geno to go through some possible song ideas for future releases.

Thank you so much for your time. Stay safe!

Vjeran Birimiša
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The new cd from Veritas - Threads of Fate will be available worldwide 8/28/20. Preorder links below!

Veritas was formed in 2012 by Greg Wenk , guitarist, in Kansas City, KS . In 2017, Veritas were able to get Mark Zonder ( Fates Warning, Warlord, Spirits of Fire ) to record drums for our 4 song  Ep which was released In February 2018. It received great reviews and airplay worldwide being compared to such bands as early Queensryche , Fates Warning and Dream Theater . Since then, we've been hard at work recording/mixing/mastering the full cd, signed a deal for worldwide physical/digital distribution through Amplified Distribution, and set a street date of 8/28/2020. 

Denny Anthony-Vocals
Greg Wenk-Guitar
Geno Alberico-Bass
Mark Zonder-Drums

"Straight forward type of prog metal that is reminiscent of late 80's, early 90's acts such as Fates Warning (No Exit era), Queensryche and very early Dream Theater "- Forgotten Scrolls

Amazon preorder link

Website link with several worldwide vendors for preorders

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