NEBULAR CARCOMA to release NEGATIVA's mini-album on vinyl Wednesday November 13 2019, 4:18 AM
NEBULAR CARCOMA to release NEGATIVA's mini-album on vinyl

Today, Nebular Carcoma sets December 6th as the international release date for Negativa's cult 01 mini-album on 12" vinyl format, featuring fully remastered sound and presented on a single-sided LP.

Negativa are a prolific and mysterious force hailing from Spain. The entity's two central figures, multi-instrumentalist DB and vocalist D.R., respectively maintain the well-regarded Délirant (of the Mystískaos cabal) and Atrabilis. Together, as Negativa, do the duo create delirious, tortured, but credibly avant-garde black metal, worming deep within atonality and tension to find bittersweet resolution and maimed 'n' malformed melody.

Of the band's prolific clutch of releases, arguably, Negativa's 01 is the perfect distillation of their aesthetic, a shocking bolt-from-the-blue originally released in 2014 on super-limited cassette. The soundfield is sharp, almost crystal-clear, but somehow alien and unsettling. Their push & pulse takes on a folding-inward variety of shapes, vortex-like, building ever-denser and -taller walls around the listener. Suffocating yet emitting a paradoxical expanse of space, the four-song spell hypnotizes from there; each body/mind-fold sluices energy and happiness from the spirit, Negativa's obsidian metallics growing stronger with each passing, parasitic minute. By the end of 01, that listener is literally rendered a zero, a hollow shell of cursed corporeal garbage.

Seek the beginning of the end with this noble new vinyl edition of Negativa's 01 and rue its rotten (re)discovery. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Negativa (Spain)'s 01
1. III
2. IV
3. V
4. Parte Segunda [Atrabilis cover]


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