Demoralizer - This World is Suffering - Reviewed By rockportaal! Wednesday April 5 2023, 11:04 PM
Demoralizer - This World is Suffering - Reviewed By rockportaal!

Demoralizer - This World is Suffering - Reviewed By rockportaal ! Check it out here at this link:

In 2019, guitarist Yuri and bassist Jacco decided it was time for a new death metal project. In the years that followed, singer Reinder and drummer Pascal joined Demoralizer and music could be recorded. 2021 would be the year of the recordings. Then at the end of 2021 Yuri was diagnosed with cancer and everything seemed to be in jeopardy. But between the treatments and operations, Yuri managed to record his guitar parts and This World Is Suffering is a fact.

An EP in which modern death metal predominates, but where influences of black metal and deathcore can also be found. The foursome needs six compositions to convince you of their work.

The first three compositions could be woven together as one large composition. The Stones Of My Tomb starts ominously and the band takes the time to get the listener in the right mood. Jacco's bass sound is prominent and emphatically present and I find that an added value. Together with Reinder's grunt sound, it gives the composition a dark and sinister character. Add to that Pascal's inimitable drumming and Yuri's guitar melody and you have a composition to enjoy. The Stones Of My Tomb flow into the instrumental Unmarked. The guitar playing in melody and catalyst is central here, but the other members, except Reinder, certainly do not leave their mark. Unmarked is the bridge between The Stones Of My Tomb and Silence. A composition that starts in the best death metal tradition. That is enjoyment for the fast metal lover. Starts after more than two minutesDemoralizer with the necessary style and tempo changes and that goes very fast for me. I think they should exploit the groove more and stay still longer in a certain style change. The danger is that it is perceived as a bit like loose sand and that Demoralizer overdoes the variations.

This danger is also not inconceivable at the end in the closing Children Of Armageddon. Gradually there are subtle shifts in the composition and that feels good.

Are you a fan of uptempo fast drum parts then Alive To Die is the right place for you. This is heavy and the influences of deathcore are clearly audible here. In addition, you will find a fat groove in the ultra-fast violence that takes you into a wave of tight death metal. It's tight and fast (and tasty). Opposite there is the viscous Home. Slowly and rudely Reinder grunts towards home where mother is undoubtedly waiting for the foursome with a cup of hot chocolate. I could use a Fisherman's Friend with a throat like that. After two minutes the rhythm shifts completely and a nice melody follows. The changes in style and tempo are also present here, but it seems that they have taken more time to absorb the vibe before moving on to a new piece of music.

With such a title, This World Is Suffering is a reflection of today's society, at least as Demoralizer and I experience it. The EP is a time capsule worth listening to for days on end. Because despite the small notes regarding the changes in the composition, the EP is a nice piece of music that the band and the whole of the Netherlands can be proud of. It all sounds tight, professional and full. rockportaal

Release Date: 08/10/2022

FFO: Creeping Death, Cannibal Corpse, Immortal Possession

Location: The Netherlands

"Unrelenting in any way, Demoralizer dragged the original death metal through punching grooves, melodic riffs  and enraged vocals. The band was formed in 2019 from various remnants of the Dutch metal scene (i.e.  Vermin, Shredding the Masses, El Chupacabra), aspiring to create a contemporary form of death metal. The fall of 2022 marked the release of the debut EP entitled “This World is Suffering”, in conjunction with a video clip released for “Alive to Die”. 

Check out this video!

Current Line-up: 
Reinder Dorman – Songwriting, vocals 
Yuri de Wolf – Songwriting, guitars 
Jacco van de Haar – Bass guitar 
Pascal Payens – Drums


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