We Want To Promote Your Band! Friday April 17 2020, 12:51 PM
We Want To Promote Your Band!

Attn: All Musicians, Bands, and Record Labels

Your music is important to you, and it deserves to be heard.  We can help! What do you hope to accomplish with your online presence?  Do You Need Reviews , Interviews , Coverage ? We have one of the largest online international databases of media contacts (over 30,000) including all genres and subgenres of metal and hard rock, waiting to hear your music! Our contacts include media websites, radio stations, record labels, PR companies, webzines, print magazines, blogs, and podcasts from around the world! 

Our promotions have now reached over 6 and a half million views ! Thousands of features and interviews ! Over 640 bands promoted and campaigned ! And we just got started a little over two years ago!

Not in a band? Ask us about our referral program!

Do you know any bands, labels or festivals that could benefit from a good boost?  

Contact us today!

The PR Packages:

Starter PR Package - 1 

We create a press pack for you with any content you want shared, such as band bio, tour news, release dates, links, and embeds from Bandcamp, Soundcloud, or YouTube, etc. All press packs are then posted to our highly trafficked blog and are automatically shared to all of our social media pages and groups, reaching 100k followers!

This package also includes mp3 tagging and watermarking for radio features and magazine reviews!

We then send out TWO email blasts of your press pack to thousands of metal websites, radio stations, webzines, podcasters, record labels, and more. Email blasts get sent out twice over a two-week period. 

Starter PR Package - 1 - $60.00 

PR Package - 2

This PR package gets you everything in the Starter PR Package, but also gets SIX email blasts of your press pack over a period of time (of your choosing), for extreme devastation!

PR Package 2 - $100.00 

PR Package - 3

This PR package gets you everything in the Starter PR Package, but also gets TWELVE email blasts of your press pack over a period of time (of your choosing), for insane devastation! 

PR package 3 - $200.00 


Silver PR Bundle  

This bundle comes with everything included in our Starter PR Package 1 ( two email blasts of your press pack), but with 3 major bonuses!  

Bonuses included with this amazing bundle:

Your music gets sent to hundreds of the biggest Spotify playlists in the hard rock and metal genre.  This means that your music could be included on these playlists, which will get you massive exposure to fans! There are over 286 million people listening to Spotify.  It’s where your music NEEDS to be if you are going to SUCCEED in today’s market. 

With the Bandcamp add-on, we send your music to thousands of people in the music industry that use Bandcamp. We will also send your download codes in exchange for reviews. This means that your Bandcamp page could get thousands of streams, followers, and tons of reviews, which will get you massive exposure to new fans! If you don't have a Bandcamp, please see our Bandcamp Builder Service . Since it was established in 2007, approximately 350,000 artists have signed up with Bandcamp. According to their website, by Summer 2021, “Fans have paid artists $788 million USD using Bandcamp, and $16.2 million in the last 30 days alone.”

Your music also gets sent to hundreds of verified Apple iTunes playlists in the hard rock and metal genres.  This means that your music could be chosen to be featured on these playlists, getting you massive exposure to new fans!  Apple iTunes has over 80 million listeners! 

The Spotify, Bandcamp, and Apple iTunes bonuses would normally cost you about $180 on their own, but in this bundle, you get the entire starter package (a $60 value) plus the three bonuses ($180 value) for the low bundled price of $125!  That is a $115 discount and is a steal!  

Silver PR Bundle - $125.00 

Gold PR Bundle

The Gold PR Bundle includes everything in the Silver bundle, but this bundle also gets SIX email blasts of your press pack over a period of time (of your choosing), for extreme devastation!

The Spotify, Bandcamp, and Apple iTunes bonuses would normally cost you about $180 on their own, but in this bundle, you get the entire PR package (a $100 value) plus the three bonuses ($180 value) for the low bundled price of $175!  That is a $105 discount and is a steal!

Gold PR Bundle - $175.00 

Platinum PR Bundle  

Our Biggest and Best Package!

The Platinum PR Bundle includes everything in the other Silver/Gold, but this bundle also gets TWELVE email blasts of your press pack over a period of time (of your choosing), for extreme devastation!

The Spotify, Bandcamp, and Apple iTunes bonuses would normally cost you about $180 on their own, but in this bundle, you get the entire PR package (a $200 value) plus the three bonuses ($180 value) for the low bundled price of $325!  That is a discount of $55!


Platinum PR Bundle - $325.00 


You also have the option of adding on our three NEW BONUS items to any pre-existing PR package or new package!  You can also purchase one of these options without purchasing a PR package. Prices are as follows: 


With the Bandcamp add-on, we send your music to thousands of people in the music industry that use Bandcamp. We will also send your download codes in exchange for reviews. This means that your Bandcamp page could get thousands of streams, followers, and tons of reviews, which will get you massive exposure to new fans! If you don't have a Bandcamp, please see our Bandcamp Builder Service . Since it was established in 2007, approximately 350,000 artists have signed up with Bandcamp. According to their website, by Summer 2021, “Fans have paid artists $788 million USD using Bandcamp, and $16.2 million in the last 30 days alone.”    

With the purchase of PR Package 1, 2, or 3, this add-on is $40

Purchase of this service without the purchase of a PR Package: $60

*This add-on is already included in our Silver, Gold, and Platinum Bundles*


Your music gets sent to thousands of people in the music industry that use Spotify. We also send it to some of the biggest Spotify playlist curators in the hard rock and metal genre.  This means that your music could get thousands of streams and be included on some of the biggest playlists, which will get you massive exposure to new fans! There are over 286 million people listening to Spotify.  It’s where your music NEEDS to be if you are going to SUCCEED in today’s market.     

With the purchase of PR Package 1, 2, or 3, this add-on is $40

Purchase of this service without the purchase of a PR Package: $60

*This add-on is already included in our Silver, Gold, and Platinum Bundles*


Your music gets sent to hundreds of people in the music industry that use ITunes. We also send it to verified Apple iTunes playlist curators in the hard rock and metal genres.  This means that your music could be chosen to be featured on these playlists, getting you massive exposure to new fans!  Apple iTunes has over 80 million listeners!                

With the purchase of PR Package 1, 2, or 3, this add-on is $40

Purchase of this service without the purchase of a PR Package: $60

*This add-on is already included in our Silver, Gold, and Platinum Bundles*

Bandcamp Builder Service

If you don’t yet have a Bandcamp page for your music, you should!!  Since it was established in 2007, approximately 350,000 artists have signed up with Bandcamp. According to their website, by Summer 2021, “Fans have paid artists $788 million USD using Bandcamp, and $16.2 million in the last 30 days alone.”  If you don’t have the time to build one for yourself, let us help!!  We will set up the page, upload your music, add a photo of your choosing, as well as album cover(s) and biographical information.  We will add all of your social media links to your page, too! In addition, we will include our Bandcamp Add-On with the purchase of this service, which is a great way to get you going!

Bandcamp Builder Service: $100

Custom Packages Available Upon Request


If you would like to order a package, simply tell us which package you would like. We will send you an invoice via email. All invoices should be paid within 48 hours of ordering unless we work out a payment plan at the time you place your order.  As soon as payment is confirmed, we will use your EPK, or the information and content you provide to us, to create a Press Pack for you. We will then send you the Press Pack to make sure you like how it is set up. Once you decide you like the content and how it looks, we will begin the email blasts.  By Default, all email blasts include requests for interviews, reviews and/or airplay. We can also personalize your email blasts for whatever you are trying to accomplish, by request.  Once the email blasts start, all press coverage of your PR campaign will be sent to you and posted in our website blog, along with the links.  We will also post everything on our social media, and we will tag you.

We have spent years developing a massive global network of metal media. We have built a database with over 30,000 contacts from magazines, metal websites, radio stations, record labels, managers, promoters, zines, Spotify & Apple Music playlist curators, YouTube channels and much more!  

When we send out an email blast with your promo attached to it, we can guarantee you will see results! Every major website & magazine is in our list, such as Decibel , Blabbermouth , Bravewords , Metal Injection , etc. We also send your promo out to thousands of underground zines to make sure you get a fair shot at coverage!

You can view all the bands we have promoted here at this link https://metaldevastationradio.com/metal-devastation-promotions 

You can view all the reviews for our clients at this link https://metaldevastationradio.com/reviews 

You can see all the other features and interviews for our clients at this link https://metaldevastationradio.com/thebeast/blog/category/feature 

One thing that makes us unique, is the fact that we also have our very own blog with well over 6 million views and about 100k per month. That means every time you get featured anywhere on the web and it gets sent back to us and we post it in our blog and share it across our socials.... Well, you do the math! This multiplies the coverage you get big time and makes sure you get heard!


Why Do You Need Our Help?



We have thousands of connections with big name websites and underground websites all over the world! Many of them support us and repost our content and we do the same for them. We use our massive reach on social media, which currently holds 100k followers to get your music featured, seen and heard! We will generate massive exposure that can get the media and fans coming to YOU. 



Look, anybody with enough time can probably build a massive email list and anyone can get on social media and get thousands of likes, but when your music is recommended by a media outlet that your potential fans already follow and respect, that message will have a much stronger impact and there will be a much deeper connection. This results in more fans and followers for you. 



Our website alone currently gets hit around 140,000 times per month, so if you have your music featured in one of our articles, we can guarantee it is going to be heard! We have the google stats to back it up! 



Obviously, we can't guarantee everyone will like your music, but we can guarantee that we will put you in front of many that potentially could. At the end of the day it all boils down to how good your music is. We can guarantee they will see it! We put together a very professional looking email to send out and a professional article to circulate on the web. We submit your music to all major and underground record labels!

Don't just take our word for it, check out what some of our clients have to say about it!




"Thanks Zach Moonshine, there's a LOT of great metal out now, but your PR campaign helped my album reach a lot of ears in a very crowded (and talented) field." - White Crone


"Zach immediately proved to be a friendly person and ready to give us a hand. He did everything he wrote in his promotions, and we can’t thank him enough. Zach is a reliable, great and very communicative person. Contact him because he really deserves it! Thanks a lot brother!" - Hell Riders


"Within just a few days, my new single got nearly 1,000 listens on Bandcamp and was featured on several blogs and webzines. MDPR seriously delivers, highly recommended!" - Jason Aaron Wood  


Read more testimonials here!

So, what are you waiting for? Let's get you started today!  

Send email to zach@metaldevastationradio.com

Reviews - Interviews - Promo - Radio Play

Contact zach@metaldevastationradio.com



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