Aeon Of Eternal - The Wanderer - Reviewed By Bathory'Zine! Friday May 7 2021, 11:48 AM
Aeon Of Eternal - The Wanderer - Reviewed By Bathory'Zine!

Aeon Of Eternal - The Wanderer - Reviewed By Bathory'Zine ! Check it out here at this link:

Today’s review is of Polish Atmospheric Death Doom Metal band Aeon Of Eternal’s debut album.

Although the main characteristic of this release is a rather melodic and dark ethereal soundscape that is greatly combined with female vocals, this does not deprive it of more extreme parts, which even include full blast. On this album, the combination between heavy Death Doom Metal and atmospheric, pretty melodic passages is really well achieved, obtaining thus a constant aura of obscurity well within the combination of old-school greatness and modern innovation.

This kind of depressing and slow Doom Metal with extremer yet not happier interludes is a good addition to the genre’s great releases, and surely in future albums their identity will be even better defined and polished to produce further masterpieces.

I recommend this album to fans of Death Doom Metal. My rating is of 9/10. - Bathory'Zine

Aeon of Eternal — The Wanderer
Release date: 23.04.2021
Genre: (Melodic Death Doom, Melodic Black Metal, Atmospheric Black)

For fans of: Alcest, Draconian, Dissection, Imperium Dekadenz, Ava Inferi, Trees of Eternity

Aeon of Eternal is a project formed by Aeon in 2020. 
'The Wanderer' is the debut album released in April 2021.

It combines nostalgic atmosphere and fury together. Aeon is taking inspirations from multiple genres: melodic black metal, blackened death, doom and even gothic or shoegaze. 
Aeon of Eternal project is formed to be able to express emotions through music. 

Album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Aeon during winter 2020-2021. 

Aeon - acoustic & electric guitars, bass, synth/keys and drums programming

Album guests: 
Soulpacifica - female vocals & choirs 
César Moreira - male vocals 
Tomasz Radzyński - additional solo guitars

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