Torture Squad: band resumes recordings from the new studio album Monday October 12 2020, 12:00 AM
Torture Squad: band resumes recordings from the new studio album

The recording process for the new Torture Squad album, the ninth studio, started in early 2020, but due to the Corona Virus pandemic, it was abruptly paused by rules of social isolation and for the safety and health of everyone those involved in this record.

Even with the pandemic in evidence, the band communicates to its fans that it resumed on the day before yesterday (08/10), the recordings of this awaited album, following the rule all the safety protocols that are required by the ministry of health of the city of São Paulo.

That said, the band is already working hard at the studio “Bay Área” and the recordings of Mayara's vocals are in an advanced stage. The vocalist even reports how it was during this period of paralysis and how she prepared to record the new songs:

“We had finished recording the instrumental bases at the beginning of March, and then it would be the voices' turn. We had time to work on just two songs before social isolation started. We didn't know how long it would take to resume recording, so even though I was away from the band I was always in touch with our music so I could be prepared for the return as soon as possible. Everything is going very well in the recordings, and I feel very safe with my voice ".

Soon more updates about the new Torture Squad studio album will be revealed to the band's fans on their social networks.

Torture Squad:

May “Undead” Puertas – vocal

Rene Simionato – guitar

Castor – bass

Amilcar Christófaro – drums


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Darchitect: band reveals concepts and secrets of the songs from the EP “Blasphemus”



The EP “Blasphemus” has stood out for its excellent quality, but many fans are curious about the message that their songs convey. Thinking about it, Darchitect's drummer Gabriel Gifoli decided to reveal the concepts and secrets behind the songs on the EP. According to the musician:


“EP Blasphemus is a turning point in our career, or at least that's how we see it. The lyrics, as always, we wanted them to show at the same time something universal, but also personal feelings that are difficult to express outside of poetry - this is particularly notable in the title track, by the way.


Lyrically speaking, the song “Blasphemus” is a work whose concept was born out of a feeling of deep disgust at so many things that we see today around the world and that have become dangerously banal: lies, promises of easy gain, disrespect for others and so many other attitudes that destroy the world and slowly corrupt the  society - a society that, all over the world, seems sick with hate.


The lyrics are sung in an accusatory tone, see the chorus, "I accuse you", and it's a great example of how music allows us to shout something that often ends up stuck in the throat when there is no way to express the feeling in a correct way. At the same time, there are moments of calm, which represent the moment of reflection in the face of such widespread hate.


In terms of music, in fact, harmony and melody fit well in this storm of feelings. The musical direction we took in “Blasphemus” was an experience with clean nuances, compass formulas and ambient sound mixed with the sound that, we consider, is already part of our musical identity, which is based on extreme metal.


On side B, "Quando a Chama Inflar" we added a more Rock'n'Roll sound and with clean and melodic backing vocals in the sound, experimenting things that we had not yet tried to insert into our sound.


The lyrics of “Quando a Chama Inflar” are much older, by the way, but they also follow this same line of reasoning: the legacy that madness leaves in the troubled mind.


There is something about the paranoias that we all feel, even when we choose to hide them, and about how easy it is to passively pass life if we don't pay attention - all of this within a fantasy theme, perhaps, which can give us a personal interpretation, something that we always like to do.


Musically and thematically speaking, Blasphemus serves as the cornerstone of a new phase, but also a transition piece for the new album that is coming, which will deal with more philosophical and intimate themes, set with a song that will not have afraid to experiment with different things. ”


The EP “Blasphemus” is available for listening on the main streaming platforms. Check out:


To know all the news from Darchitect, follow the band's social networks.



Lucas Coca: Vocal/Bass

Alex Marras: Guitar

Gabriel Gifoli: Drums


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Rider: band presents tracklist and physical release date of new studio album “Midnight Line”

The wait is coming to an end. After months working hard on the recordings and productions of their new studio album, the heavy metal band from São Paulo, Rider, officially announces that the album “Midnight Line” is finished and in the process of being pressed.


The record will feature 10 copyright tracks and will be released in October. According to the group's estimate, it is possible that the material will be available for sales from the 25th of this month.


All tracks on the album will be released on isolated tracks on digital platforms in order to keep Streaming fans, always inside with the punctuality of each of the new songs on the disc.


To date, two songs from the album “Midnight Line” can be checked on all digital platforms. Anticipating the release of the record, the band presented the tracks "Iron Mask" and "False Messiah" to the public.

Listen to Iron Mask:

Listen to False Messiah:


“Midnight Line” official tracklist

01 – Iron Mask

02 – Nighttime Drifter

03 – Power of Thunder

04 – Child in the Night

05 – Flight of Phoenix

06 – Inquisition

07 – Riders

08 – False Messiah

09 – Streets of Nowhere

10 – Tyrants Falling



Cesar Caçador – Vocal

Luke D. Couto – Guitar

Fernando Matinandes – Guitar

Klébio Moura – Bass


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