Basic Info
8 years ago
Official Videoclip "Let The Hate Reign" from NUCLEAR WARFARE
taken from "Empowered By Hate" album.
street date: 04. August 2017
"Empowered By Hate":
Directed and Edited By Denis Di Lallo Images By Junior Imigrante and Rogério Souza
Let the hate reign
accost me stupid of the side
today is not your day
hour to hour you talking to me
dont you notice i dont want to hear
your constand insults desgust me
now i have a anger problem dont you see
have you nochthing learn
whats going on in your head
dont you think
Payback is a bitch
you - as thick as a brick
Hate - talk to my hand
Fight - are you alright
Let the Hate reign
thats all in my brain
Let the Hate reign
i go insane
if you do not keep the flap
i take the next step
then my Fist rule
im out of control
for your arrogance and your threats
you must fall
use your brain before you speak or it`s to Late
Hate creates Hate creates Hate
Let the Hate reign
thats all in my brain
Let the Hate reign
Empowerde by Hate
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