“The Blaring Eye” is the second track from The Blind Hole, the debut album from Atlanta’s ultimate killing machine DEAD IN THE DIRT.
As witnessed on the trio’s previous works, 2010’s Vold EP and first release for Southern Lord, 2011’s Fear 7”, as well through their vicious on-stage presence, DEAD IN THE DIRT crushes everything in their path with a vehement and volatile crust/hardcore attack. Inspired by the scriptures of His Hero Is Gone, Left For Dead, Infest and DropDead, the faction creates some of the most morose and tonally oppressive music conceivable, all fueled with enraged socio-political lyrical content and straightedge/Vegan ethics.
Llocked for North American release on August 6th (European release August 5th) via Southern Lord, The Blind Hole surges with an unfuckwithable twenty-two tracks in less than twenty-four minutes, their downtuned, caustic riffs packed into the melee creating the most destructive blasting DEAD IN THE DIRT material yet. Though surging with crushing distortion, the album boasts incredibly clear production values, recorded at Bricktop Recording Studio with Andy Nelson (Weekend Nachos) in Chicago this April, and mastered by Brad Boatright (Nails, All Pigs Must Die, Baptists, Sleep). The cover was illustrated by Bo Orr as with the band’s Fear EP.