LEFT FOR DEAD "a big hard rock heavy slap! Riffs, riffs and more riffs!" Wednesday June 10 2020, 6:02 AM
LEFT FOR DEAD "a big hard rock heavy slap! Riffs, riffs and more riffs!"

SAUSALITO, CA (June 9, 2020) — LEFT FOR DEAD announce the release of their sixth album, simply titled L F D. L F D is a 10 song barrage in the hard rock/classic metal style. From the up tempo opener BULLETPROOF to the rock radio friendly ROCK N ROLL DOGS the current LP touches all the bases that inspire the "classic rock" genre.

The rave reviews are already flowing in:

“'LFD' is a big hard rock heavy slap! Riffs, riffs and more riffs! Come headbanger with Left For Dead! - United Rock Nations

Left For Dead is a much needed shot in the arm in today's music scene. Blue collar bare boned Hard Rock! This album is all killer with no filler. Highly recommended. - Ralph Viera, Viera Vault Podcast

If you love 70s and 80s hard rock and heavy metal this album is for you! 10 bone crunching tracks, and no ballads! - Rock n Roll Experience with Mike Brunn

I know every band probably says this when they release a new set of tunes, but I honestly think this is the best overall collection of work we’ve done. This album feels like the best representation of us collectively as a band that we've every done. - Keith Jones, Bass

Drummer Mark Cicchini had this to say about the premiere of their video Rock N Roll Dogs, "Humbled, grateful and proud of the reaction to our video for ROCK AND ROLL DOGS! Over a few thousand spins on YouTube in just a few days time, a great “word of mouth” amongst the hard rock faithful. This video, no stage lighting, no smoke machines, no dancing girls just us playing in our construction garage rehearsal space in our street clothes resonates with people. This is who LFD are and what we represent...honest, loud hard rock played with decades long experience & passion."

L F D is out now on all digital services. http://smarturl.it/leftfordead-lfd

LEFT FOR DEAD premiered their music video for Rock N Roll Dogs on Bravewords to rave reviews from the fans. You can view the video at

The Band
Mike Lipski-All guitars-Lead vocals-backing vocals
Mark Cicchini-Drums-Backing vocals-lead vocals
Keith Jones-Bass-Backing vocals

The Album

Rock And Roll Dogs
Cool Black
War Dance
End Of The Line
Make Me A Star
Comin Home
Son Of The Gun
Late Around Midnite
Burn It Down

About Left For Dead
Formed in 2002, LEFT FOR DEAD is a Detroit based hard rocking power trio.

The band developed their musical chops listening to the great hard rock/metal acts of the 70's & 80's. These influences are immediately apparent upon first listen.

"Old school metal"- as some like to call it - is obviously not a genre that is particularly trendy today, but LFD has never been about trying to "fit in". The band's philosophy is a simple one... in your face, hard driving, no frills hard rock in the classic sense.

Staying true to that philosophy LFD has enjoyed a significant level of success in the Detroit music scene. They have released 5 CDs and played hundreds of shows in the Detroit metropolitan area as well as in Cleveland & Chicago.

The band's current release-simply titled - LFD - is a 10 song barrage in the hard rock/classic metal style. From the up tempo opener BULLETPROOF to the rock radio friendly ROCK N ROLL DOGS the current LP touches all the bases that inspire the "classic rock" genre.

Guitarist Mike Lipski and drummer Mark Cicchini first met at college in the Fall of 1983. Both stood out among their fellow students, dressed in concert t shirts and shoulder length hair. They exchanged demo tapes and kept in touch, each interested in one another's musical journeys. Mark was already in a band with bassist Keith Jones at that time. Mark & Keith made up the rhythm section of Detroit fan favorite CHAIN. CHAIN appeared in numerous national & international rock/metal magazines throughout the 1980's, and also won a spot on the nationally syndicated METAL SHOP radio program. They also appeared on their BEST UNSIGNED BANDS IN AMERICA release in 1989 shortly before the grunge era took over. The band broke up shortly thereafter.

Old friends Mark & Mike went on to create a new project - SPFH. (you really don't wanna know what it stands for! LOL). SPFH was a project that would record a number of demos (covers & originals) over the years but would never play a single gig.

At this point in time Mike was gigging heavily (in a band of his own) around the Detroit area, Keith was concentrating on his career outside of music, and Mark was recording and playing some live shows with a local hard core punk band that needed his services. He would eventually record two albums with them.

By the beginning of the 2000's Mark was looking to get back to playing music he actually enjoyed, and had more interest in. He reached out to Mike about starting a new project, and possibly recording some demos. At that time however, Mike was already playing in another popular Detroit area band. Mark then reached out to Keith to see what he was up to. He was surprised to find out that he was playing in a band with the former guitarist from CHAIN. With an opportunity that now seemed to good to pass up Mark, Keith, and the original CHAIN guitarist reunited, and together with a vocalist friend of Mark's created the foursome that
would be the original lineup for LEFT FOR DEAD.

The original lineup would last a couple of years, and within that time the band would release two CDs, as well as play a number of local gigs, as well as high profile gigs with national acts.

Eventually the band would experience it's first change with the departure of the former CHAIN guitarist. True to rock and roll form Lipski and Cicchini would reunite again, and Mike would become LFDs new guitarist. This new version of the band would quickly recorded a three song EP.

After the release of the EP the band continued to evolve, making the decision to become a three piece, with Mike taking on vocal and guitar duties. This move cemented the the lineup that would carry the band forward into the next decade. During this time the band would release two more full length CD's, and continue to gig regularly.

Fast forward to the summer of 2019...

After many attempts and false starts...the recording of the band's 6th and current album L F D would finally commence.

As with past recordings the band would choose the award winning Tempermill studio (named 2020's Detroit Music Awards BEST STUDIO) to record their latest LP. From May through October the band worked diligently to record the songs they had been fine tuning collectively over the last few years. In addition they dug into their musical past to bring life back to older songs. MAKE ME A STAR, COOL BLACK & LATE AROUND MIDNITE were songs never officially released by CHAIN, but together with the newer material provided a natural fit to create this current collection of work

So... whether its the mid tempo crunchy AC/DC inspired riffing, the faster Motorhead inspired beats or the rock radio inspired "classic rock" charm ...if you like your music hard, heavy and most of all...FUN...you are sure to find something to love here.


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