Trevor Sadist Shares His Covid-19 Horror Story! Friday April 24 2020, 2:15 PM
Trevor Sadist Shares His Covid-19 Horror Story!

Hi Guys.
Here's a little story about what I've just lived due to the virus… 
I've decided to make it public hoping to help someone living my same Corona Hell. Thank You for spreading around. Pic in attached :-)
Trevor Sadist
I’ve waited all this time because I was terribly scared by an invisible enemy, able to sneak in your body and in your mind as well. From March 10 and for six days long I had bad feverish attacks, exhaustion and pain in the whole body, especially severe headaches that didn’t make me sleep. On March 16 the situation was quite the same and with my doctor We’ve decided to call the hospital. After a few minutes the ambulance was in my backyard, it was so sad to leave my home but I was sure it was the wisest decision for me and my family. They took me to the emergency room the early morning, the waiting room, the corridors and the surrounding areas were full of people who all had my same symptoms. There were stretchers and a great confusion everywhere, old people screaming and asking for help… It was not at all simple, believe me, and it would be stupid to tell You lies about this. I was so afraid, without knowing wich kind of disease I was affected by and what exactly was happening are terrible feelings. That damned Monday, 16 March I was admitted to the hospital, waiting to receive the results of Coronavirus’ test. Endless and agonizing days, made more livable only by the kindness of these “hospital angels”, that in this sad days are looking like aliens. I will never stop thanking ALL of them: doctors, nurses, and cleaning staff, they are people who love their job totally, who dedicate themselves to other people always with a smile for everybody. In a couple of days, despite the positive results of Covid19, the situation was improving day by day thanks to an antiviral therapy, the fever was gone along with the headache. After eight days of hospitalization I finally came back home to my family, finishing the quarantine’s period in my little country town (called Rossiglione), still scared but happy. Today my thoughts are for all those people who unfortunately lost their lives because of this terrible virus, hoping that it can reach those who are still struggling. If You have any doubt, do not hesitate to get in touch with the doctor. We only have to be patient now, We’ll come back to our normality, I hope conscious of the fact that small things are our life… I love You! 

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