Power Trip and Fucked Up Members Launch New Band Machine, Debut First Single Saturday April 11 2020, 8:03 PM
Power Trip and Fucked Up Members Launch New Band Machine, Debut First Single

Members of Fucked Up and Power Trip have coalesced to create the throbbing musical beast that is Masterpiece Machine. Imagine the pounding the drum of Psalm-era Ministry with flashes of Nine Inch Nails, massive rock riffs, cinematic electronics, and post-hardcore influenced vocals. Rotting Fruit b/w Letting You In On A Secret is their debut 12” single. In this chaotic world, industrial influenced music seems more relevant than ever as it channels the unstoppable wheels of a mutating mass of electronic and biological matter lurching towards an unknown destination.

Singer Riley’s love of comics led to a collaboration with celebrated comic artist and animator Lale Westvind, known for critically acclaimed works such as Grip, Hot Dog Beach and Hyperspeed to Nowhere. Lale’s art for Rotting Fruit/Letting You In On A Secret perfectly captures the aforementioned musical qualities as technological chimeras made up of biological matter cruise a desert landscape seemingly without purpose, while simultaneously racing towards the future head on.


released April 9, 2020
MM is Riley Gale, Mike Haliechuk, Jonah Falco
Art by Lale Westvind lalewestvind.com/index.php?/about/about/
Released as a 12" single by Triple B Records and Quality Control Records

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