Lacuna Coil Explains Difference Between Metal Fans in Europe & US Monday August 5 2019, 4:59 AM
Lacuna Coil Explains Difference Between Metal Fans in Europe & US

During a conversation with Hard Drive Radio, Lacuna Coil singer Andrea Ferro talked about the differences between European and American crowds during live shows.
Andrea commented when asked on the matter (transcribed by UG):
 "In Europe, it's a bit more... it's very rare to see somebody that's not a metalhead at a metal show, while here [in the States] is way more mixed.
 "Like, the crowd can be people of every age, even people with a rap shirt. While in Europe, you got a long-hair guy with a black t-shirt of a band. And same for girls. So it's a bit more separate.
 "But I have to say, maybe the new generation is changing also in Europe, but it's a bit more traditional compared to here. People are fun everywhere, they just want to have a good time, sing along, headbang and do all the classic stuff you do at concerts."
With 20 years of history as a band, you guys probably have some good stories...
 "The is one that I think is quite unique. We were in England and we were parked in front of the venue after the show, so everybody was eating something on the bus.
 "And we heard a big noise on the roof of the tour bus, so we went outside and we saw, basically there was a completely drunk guy who fell from a parking lot upstairs, maybe five stories or something like that, and the bus was taking two stories.
 "So he fell two or three stories down onto the roof of the tour bus, and he didn't injure himself. He was completely wasted, but he was fine.
 "And the police came and firefighters came, and we couldn't get him off. We had to stay until the firefighter came with the stairs and bring him down because he didn't want to come down, he was just laughing out of his mind." Via UltimateGuitar

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