The Flesh Hammers 'Paula Campbell' Looks Back On Her Life With Guitars! Thursday February 7 2019, 6:40 AM
The Flesh Hammers 'Paula Campbell' Looks Back On Her Life With Guitars!

My story of the guitar. I got my first guitar when I was 10 years old - a cheap Harmony acoustic (which I still own - see photo). I didn't really know how to play it and the steel strings hurt my fingers and I've always had really small hands so I gave up after a few tries. I'm also left handed (which no one took into consideration) so I only learned guitar as a 'right hander.' Then when I was 14, I picked it up again and took a few guitar lessons with a guy at my local music store. I had the same 'Joan Jett' experience where I was told 'girls don't play rock guitar' and he wouldn't show me songs I wanted to learn so I quit. Fast forward to when I was 24 when I bought a used Ovation acoustic/electric guitar from a German exchange student who realized playing guitar wasn't easy. I then took 4 months of lessons from a jazz guitarist who taught me some interesting things (including slide guitar). I never took another lesson and played many different guitars, but it's taken me decades to actually feel like a 'guitarist' and be a good player. Long and short of it- guitar is not easy and it takes serious dedication, blisters, short fingernails and cuts, but there is always something new to learn with this wondrous instrument! - Paula Campbell (The Flesh Hammers)

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The Flesh Hammers are a controversial, and musically brilliant outfit who have succeeded in creating a sound all their own. The band was formed in 2003 in Reno Nevada, but is now based in the San Francisco bay area, California. The Flesh Hammers, unleash rock at the rate of submachine gun fire. LIVE they are a force that needs to be heard and seen to be believed! They released their first album, RIDING DIRTY in 2005. Their second album was recorded in San Francisco at Rodent Records and released in 2009 on Wondertaker Records titled, SATAN ON THE DASH. The band's 3rd album BULLSEYE was released August 2013. Their 4th album FASTEST BAND IN THE WEST...LIVE! was released November 2015 and their 5th album CINCO was released August 2018. They are a featured band in the indie documentary rock n’ roll movie, Music Driven (released 2017), which has been premiering in cities across the United States as well as being featured performers at the 2014 Las Vegas Music Summit and 2015 Offbeat Festival in Reno, Nevada.

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