DARK MINISTRY "The Sermon Begins" Thursday April 6 2017, 8:04 PM
DARK MINISTRY "The Sermon Begins"

Debut EP by Canadian Heavy/Thrash Metal band.
Formed in August 2015 by ex- Exciter drummer Rik Charron, whose resume includes almost 20 years with legendary Canadian band, with five of their albums under his belt, this is the debut release of a new-born band Dark Ministry. In total, this heavy, extreme Thrash Metal band consists of dueling guitarists Max Neckshredder and David Tyo, the sonic assault of bassist Carlo Cote, extreme aggression vocalist Tyler Knapp, and aggressive, pounding attack of drummer Rik Charron.
The band traverses around a number of sub-genres, keeping things solid in a Traditional Heavy Metal format while occasionally veering into the Speed/Thrash or Groove Metal platforms. Riffs are sharp and aggressive. The voice of Tyler Knapp has one of those barking deliveries with aggression and old-school Hardcore singing (think Agnostic Front and D.R.I.).
The opener, “Killing Machine”, has a vicious, venomous attack, a charging guitar line with the vocals snarling against the arrangement in a classic back and forth Groove/Thrash arrangement that again hearkens back to the 1980’s with a lot of Anvil/ Exciter textures. Rik flexes more of his double bass proficiency and old Exciter speed on the follow up “Voodoo Sacrifice”, the main riff and changes, in line with Metallica meets Pantera. The exotic twin guitar lines make “Blood Driven” an easy highlight, the rhythm section works in line with straightforward Judas Priest power while the lead break has a lot of crazy bends and squeals to heighten the energy factor.
EP has already been heard on internet and FM stations in nine different countries around the world and sixteen in the United States. This EP is sure to please even the most heaviest and hardened Metal appetites. Mike Usifer, founder of Prime Evil, had a few words to say about Dark Ministry's music: "These songs kill! Awesome Extreme Thrash, heavy, I love it!". Maxxxwell Carlisle, guitarist for Hellion says: "These guys are going to make some serious waves in the Metal scene. The whole band is dripping with intensity and that perfect in-your-face Metal attitude!".
And now the time is come for the official release of "The Sermon Begins", which features three songs from upcoming debut album! Get ready for some heavy, hard hitting Metal!!
Total Metal Records, 2017 (TMR030-137/DT).

http://totalmetal. metalscraprecords.com

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