Kraanium - Slamchosis [slamming brutal death metal from Comatose Music] Friday October 19 2018, 4:48 PM
Kraanium - Slamchosis [slamming brutal death metal from Comatose Music]

"'s not easy butchering's hard work..."

If you take every single aspect of brutal death metal - the heaviness that could cave in your ribcage, the speed that leaves you battered and bewildered, the song titles that leave you sniggering or choking back vomit depending on how twisted your humour is, the bestial vocals without trace of humanity, the disturbing sound bites that resurface in nightmares - take them all and push them further, push every needle into the red, every slamming note beyond the brink of endurance, every concept of decency over the edge of restraint and into a black pit of all that and you'll find yourself in the dubious company of Kraanium.

"...blow to the head, blunt force trauma..."

You can trace the sordid history of Kraanium back nearly two decades, their first release being the No Respect For The Dead demo, back in 2002. Since then they have shocked, disgusted, thrilled and appalled across four full length albums, including debut Ten Sickening Acts Of Perversity and 2015s Chronicles Of Perversion. Now it's time to up the ante, to redefine what heavy really means with album number five, the outrageously heavy and sickening Slamchosis. Featuring ten tracks of skull shattering, slamming, brutal death metal that chokes the life out of good taste and commits unspeakable acts with its corpse, this album sees Kraanium hitting new peaks of precision delivery at the same time as they plumb new depths of horror.

"...fourteen stab wounds in the torso with a kitchen knife..."

Comatose Music have been keeping Slamchosis safely behind bars, but on October 26th they'll be sliding back the bolts and releasing this maniacal, bloodthirsty horror from its cage. Nowhere will be safe from the beast that is Kraanium - prepare to be slammed!

"...truly imagine what it takes to bludgeon someone to death..."

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