Snipers of Babel – Redemption – Review Wednesday June 27 2018, 4:23 PM
Snipers of Babel – Redemption – Review

Snipers of Babel – Redemption – Review 

This record begins by putting you in panic mode right in the middle of what I imagine like a scary video game full of zombies and mutated alien cyborgs coming at you from all corners some battle field in a post-apocalyptic world!  

The record begins with heavy breathing and what sounds like someone beginning to run for their life before being obliterated by rapid fire drumming, guitar and screams!  

From song to song you get taken to a different method of destruction in this universe I can only describe as "The Walking Dead" meets "Metal Gear" meets "Aliens". 

Full of grooves, top notch production, machine gun drums and riffs. This record will pummel you to complete devastation all the while serenading you with melody's you will not forget!  

The entire album is not full speed either it has many mid paced songs with different dynamics which is rare in today's world of music.   

This is one of those records you can't judge based on one listen to one song, you simply have to listen to the entire thing to really get the whole picture and it is totally worth it! 

Stand out track, is the title track Redemption, just listen to it and you will see what I am talking about! - The Zach Moonshine Show

Listen to this interview i did with them! And check out some music below!

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