Why Edibles Are The Hottest Trend In US Market Wednesday November 3 2021, 5:41 AM
Why Edibles Are The Hottest Trend In US Market

Why Edibles Are The Hottest Trend In US Market

One of the most prevalent forms of cannabis consumption across the world is edibles. While brownie has been the statement edible for cannabis for generations now, the new cannabis trend has a lot more going on in terms of infused edibles. From sweet treats like candies and gummies to extravagant desserts like pies and ice cream, cannabis is rapidly making its way into the market. This infusion is further complemented by the intense passion from cannabis enthusiasts everywhere.

Market data suggest that the transition to edible for marijuana consumption happens at a high rate each year. A study understanding the cannabis consumption forms between 2015 and 2018 among 2428 adolescents in the US suggested a steady increase in edibles use by 7%. It is definitely an indication that edibles are becoming the hot new cannabis trend in the US market. But what makes them click? Well, let us explore the reasons for the impeccable growth graphs of cannabis edibles here. 


One of the primary reasons for the transition from smoking cannabis to edibles is the safety concerns. With more research available to conclude on the ill effects of smoking, the risk of exposure to toxic smoke by-products is very high. This fact means that most people need to explore safer and effective alternatives to joints or smoking dry herbs to enjoy their daily dose of cannabis. 

Edibles offer an elegant and safe choice to consume cannabis, such as Tooslick delta 10 edibles . The use of high-quality, premium ingredients in edibles can ensure a healthy and side-effect-free experience with cannabis. 


Although there has been tremendous change in the attitude towards cannabis across the world, there is still a certain stigma attached to the use of this herb. Hence, users seek more sub tle ways of dosing marijuana that will not alert the neighbors with its strong, pungent aroma. 

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Cannabis edibles serve this purpose right by carrying the goodness of marijuana without much of its aromatic or physical properties. In the case of recipes with aromatic ingredients, the characteristic smell of cannabis is barely visible. These edibles are also like our everyday foods and snacks and manage to hide the added cannabis perfectly. Therefore, there are very last chances of edibles raising suspicion among others even while it successfully introduces therapeutic properties to your system. 


The introduction of CBD or cannabidiol to the cannabis market has been a revolutionary move that has encouraged further growth by overcoming the challenges of THC edibles. CBD unlikes its cannabinoid cousin THC, does not induce any psychoactive properties. Yet, it may offers treatment options for a spectrum of ailments and improves overall health and wellness. From sleep disorders to eating disorders, CBD has benefits to cope with them all. Not just edibles, but the compound has made its way into a variety of other segments, such as fitness, cosmetics, beauty, wellness, pet products. 

Post Farm Bill 2018 legalized hemp cultivation; CBD derived from it as a source has become the center of attention for the edibles market. Big brands are manufacturing special editions of their products with CBD infusion that reflects on their interest to rule the cannabis world as well. With more clarity on the regulatory policies for CBD infusion, this segment will see further inflation as even small players will start to participate in this booming market. 

Healthy Varieties 

The beginning of the cannabis edibles journey mainly consisted of sweet treats with infusions. But today, the market is embracing healthier trends that are pleasing to a more extensive customer base than ever before. Apart from imparting vegetarian and vegan edibles, there are low sugar, low fat, gluten-free options for those seeking dietary alternatives to everyday products. 

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The versatile varieties of infusions ranging from honey, butter, and cooking oil help impart these healthy trends in the best manner possible, furthering the edibles market's growth. Don`t forget that the hemp way of living itself has become a popular trend using hemp milk and derived products as substitutes for dairy. Companies are looking at creating products with a holistic approach that focuses on health and wellness. As customers are looking for the same dietary options as their everyday meals even while shopping for cannabis, these choices are welcome with open arms.


The dosage has continued to remain a critical factor in influencing the growth of the cannabis edibles market. THC brimming edibles that have lasted the test of time were naturally the most popular choices in the initial days of legalization. But these edibles typically carried not so carefully d etermined dosages that grew to cause panic among new users.

But today, the companies understand their customer base with better clarity. Given boomers and seniors are increasingly becoming the target customers, they are constantly moving away from strong doses that are only viable for experienced users. The market is seeing an increase in small dosages befitting novice users. The plan here is to introduce slow toxication as they consume the edible while also eliminating the chances of overeating to provide a pleasurable experience. 


Cannabis edibles are a hot new trend for marijuana consumption around the world. Apart from offering versatile choices, subtle forms of dosing, and improved safety of dosage and use, the introduction of CBD and more creativity in crafting edibles have prompted the growth of this segment further. 

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