Utopia Press - Featured Interview & The Zach Moonshine Show Saturday May 1 2021, 11:37 AM
Utopia Press - Featured Interview & The Zach Moonshine Show

'Utopia Press' joins The Zach Moonshine Show to to talk about the new self titled album! We play several tracks from the new album as well as new releases from Bewitcher, Demiser, Goat Sanctuary, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, Misanthropik Torment, Timeless Haunt, The Eyesores, Mos Generator, Steak, The Limit, Wode, VREID, Vulture, GOREGÄNG, Sucking Leech, Midnight Dice, Necralant, Vulture Lord, DECAPITATED, Bala, Aeon of Eternal, The Age Of Ore, Endless Void, Night Crowned, Pharaoh, Trauma, Cynik Scald, Ungfell and battle of the bands winners Ad Meliora! We also played some classic's by request from Blue Oyster Cult and Machine Head!

Track List:

1 - Ashe/Death Returns.../Satanic Magick Attack - Bewitcher
2 - The Zach Moonshine Intro
3 - Through the Gate Eternal/Offering/Deathstrike - Demiser
4 - Shark Teeth - Goat Sanctuary
5 - Blood In The Water/Burn The Sky - FLOTSAM AND JETSAM
6 - PURGE - Misanthropik Torment
7 - Dark For Life - Timeless Haunt
8 - Utopia Press - Interview Featuring Devils’ Got My Number/Yesterday’s News/Still Alive
9 - Mechagodzilla - The Eyesores
10 - Godzilla - Blue Öyster Cult
11 - Love Child - Mos Generator
12 - SMOKE - Steak
13 - Black Sea/Human Vs Nature/Caveman Logic - The Limit
14 - Serpent's Coil - Wode
15 - Now We Die - Machine Head - 16 - Wolves at Sea - VREID
17 - Count Your Blessings - Vulture
18 - Born. Slave. Death. - GOREGÄNG
19 - Observation - Sucking Leech
20 - Speed City - Midnight Dice
21 - Diabolic Conception - Necralant
22 - Bloodbound Militia - Vulture Lord
23 - Destiny - DECAPITATED
24 - Rituais - Bala
25 - Niwl - Aeon of Eternal
26 - Oblivion - The Age Of Ore
27 - Nameless Grave - Endless Void
28 - Nattkro¨nt - Night Crowned
29 - Ride Us to Hell - Pharaoh
30 - The Godless Abyss - Trauma
31 - Army Romance - Cynik Scald
32 - Tyfels Antlitz (Wie e Huerä zwei Chind empfange - Ungfell
33 - Doomsday Celebration - Ad Meliora

Listen to the full episode on Mixcloud below!

Listen to the interview on Spotify!

Listen to the interview on YouTube!

You can also listen to all the interviews on Apple Music at this link:


Musical friends making music
  The musicians in Utopia press have been  collaborating for the past 2 years melting and weaving their individual artistry to each song , reflections of the times and with the influences from all the classic rock bands we love. Sit back and spin the vinyl and enjoy!

The band members
Guitar and vocals : Tom MacDonald , Drums; Paul Doonan -Piano and B3 & Vocals  Mario Calcagni ,Bass Hugo Berthiaume , Additional Guitars : Lawrence Connolly, Darryl Stevens, Michael Greenfield , Lyle Robinson, Bryan Martin

Looking to the Future
  We are looking forward to being released from the basements and getting into some great local shows and jams inviting players to join us with these new batch of tunes we love March 5th buy here .https://utopiapress.hearnow.com/


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Contact zach@metaldevastationradio.com



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