Doomed & Stoned in Scotland Tuesday March 23 2021, 6:14 PM
Doomed & Stoned in Scotland


Scotland is a country steeped in history and oozes tales of war, magic, folklore and pride. With that in mind, looming mountains, treacherous seas, dreich weather and our love of a wee dram or five, it’s easy to see where the bands in this compilation get their inspiration from.

Music, in all its guises, is a huge part of our culture. We have a fantastic network of bands, promoters and venues who are all incredibly supportive of each other. This compilation gives a varied taster of the thriving heavy scene in Scotland new and old. We are a small nation but we know how to make a big noise!

Get your Speakers cranked, sit back, and envisage yourself wielding a claymore in the glens to the thundering riffs.

Keep it heavy - Keep it Loud!

Laura Donnelly
King Witch
released March 23, 2021

The latest of Doomed & Stoned's critically acclaimed series documenting the explosion of doom metal & stoner rock around the world takes us on a journey through the lowlands and highlands of Scotland!

There'll be plenty to discover, with 30 doom metal and stoner rock bands featured -- including the classic band IRON CLAW, founded in 1969. Each have their own unique styles, with a penchant for expansive and picturesque musical storytelling.

The country's Gaelic name is Alba (pronounced "Al-eh-ba") and it's worth noting the ancient tribe that settled it were called Caledonians -- an old word that means "hard" or "tough." You can hear that age-old rough 'n tumble spirit reflected in the rock and metal of Scotland, especially, which we aim to explore in Vol. 35 of our Bandcamp collection.

Big thanks to my project team led by Laura Gilchrist of King Witch, Bailly Junior of, Steve Roger of Doom Charts, Johnny Pire of Doom Charts and Hour Of The Riff, Adam Holt of Hair of the Dog, and Colin MacGregor once again for the fine original art he contributed, oil on canvas (IG: colinmmaker).


Editor in Chief

Bringing you the music and the stories of the heavy underground, the world 'round. By the underground, for the underground, from the unholy year of 2013.

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