Fumigation - New E.P. "R0 5.7" Reviewed By All Around Metal! Friday November 6 2020, 2:30 PM
 Fumigation - New E.P. "R0 5.7" Reviewed By All Around Metal!

 Fumigation - New E.P. "R0 5.7" Reviewed By All Around Metal! Check it out here at this link: http://www.allaroundmetal.com/component/content/article/26-releases/7828-ep-estremamente-breve-quello-dei-canadesi-fumigation

Four tracks for a total duration of ten minutes: this is "R0 5.7", EP by the Canadians Fumigation. Ours have not been prolific until now during their career which began in 2008 and that apart from a demo and a split sees only one album, "Integrated Pest Management" from 2013. Given the speed with which the EP passes there is no is a lot to say: the Canadian band presents itself as one of the most brutal that has happened to us in the editorial office from the North American nation, while not disdaining technically flawless passages. Thanks to the right dosage of vulgar violence and heavy groove, Fumigation manage not to be the classic band made of brutality tout court: the final "Non Essential Service" is the perfect example in our opinion.
The hope is that with this short job the Fumigations have only warmed up their engines for a longer distance job; just to get acquainted with the qualities of the Canadian combo, we recommend a listen more than willingly. Also considering that the full streaming is easily available on YouTube.

Fumigation "Your Death Metal Pest Control Specialists" from Ottawa, ON, Canada have officially released the "r0 5.7" EP as a digital only product. This is a DIY independent release and the 3rd official release from the band.

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Audio streaming available on all major streaming services.


01. Pandemicaholic
02. News Feed Inbreed
03. Signal the Swarm
04. Non Essestial Service

Moving forward Fumigation will focus on recording a full length for long time label CDN Records.


Exterminating since 2008, FUMIGATION is a 5 piece death metal band from Ottawa, ON, Canada. Signed to CDN Records.

Today's metal scene lacks bands with a constant theme, or at least an interesting one. Through this void enters FUMIGATION "Your Death Metal Pest Control Specialists". The theme of insects, rodents and chemicals is
entertaining, insightful, and humorous all at the same time. From phobias to infestations, harbourages to feeding habits, FUMIGATION will dissect the situation and select the best method of control. This method usually comes in the form of groove laden death metal.

The current lineup features members that have all been part of the Ottawa metal scene in several bands for a long time, including Deformatory, Whispers in the Maze, Norilsk, Signs of Chaos, etc. Fans have come to expect and appreciate an excellent stage presence and the right themed-look at live events and do not leave disappointed.

FUMIGATION released the full length CD "Integrated Pest Management" in 2013, the "Invasion" Split CD in 2017, and the "r0 5.7" EP in 2020.

The band has also been featured on various Canadian and international compilations, Canadian and internet radio stations, blogs, mobile game apps, print magazines, and more.

Fumigation has been playing shows since 2009 supporting large underground metal acts such as Vital Remains, Napalm Death, Malignancy, Revocation, Dehumanized, Incantation, Immolation, etc. and have toured Quebec & Ontario including participation in several festivals.

FOR FANS OF - Cephalic Carnage, Immolation, Severed Savior, Visceral Disgorge, Crowbar, Skinless, Bloodbath.

Check out this older video as well from a previous release!





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