Cult Burial stream new album in full via Decibel Friday November 6 2020, 1:14 PM
Cult Burial stream new album in full via Decibel

London's CULT BURIAL are streaming their new album in full via Decibel. The album is set to be released tomorrow.
Listen to the album in full:
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Rarely does an extreme metal band drop out of nowhere with a fully formed sound, and yet Cult Burial do just that. While their name may imply another group hopping on the dime-a-dozen OSDM revival trend, this London group quickly show that there is a lot more than meets the eye on their self-titled début, coming hot off the back of a well-received two-track EP.
The smooth sepulchral blend flits across the spectrum; while ostensibly a modern black/death metal outfit, Cult Burial have no qualms about incorporating the crushing low-end of doom metal and post-metal. Other individual tracks branch out even further from the formula - lead single “Moribund” draws from old school death metal’s HM2-drenched tremolo, while “Plague” and “Chaos” stretch into progressive territory and showcase a real strength in dynamic songwriting - not a moment is wasted.
Aside from the songwriting, the execution of each track is magnificent. Simon Langofrd's composition pairs effortlessly with César Moreira's varied vocal delivery - potent growls and twisted snarls collide with the daring range of styles employed, from the hefty groove in opener “Dethroner” reminiscent of Belphegor to the full black/death/doom amalgamation that rounds out “Sorrow”. The lyrics, which eschew the expected Satan-worshipping traits, instead turn inward and speak on topics related to death and a sense of purpose (or a lack thereof) in captivating detail.
Despite having only two tracks to their name prior to this release, Cult Burial have already begun to build a name for themselves - No Clean Singing pegged “Sorrow” as “further proof that Cult Burial is a band to watch closely”, and it won’t be long before this album starts turning heads and causing a stir.
Lyrics and vocals by César Moreira
Music by Simon Langford 
Additional guitars by Felipe Grüber
Mixed by Simon Langford
Mastered by Chris Coulter at Decimal Studios
Track Listing:
2. Moribund
3. Chaos
4. Abyss
5. Plague
6. Kill
7. End
8. Forever
9. Sorrow 
Art by ledgerdemain (

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