Twitch Of The Death Nerve stream live set of pro shot footage from Xxxapada Na Tromba Festival 2020 Thursday April 23 2020, 11:51 AM
Twitch Of The Death Nerve stream live set of pro shot footage from Xxxapada Na Tromba Festival 2020

With all the gigs booked in support of their recently released A Resting Place For The Wrathful album cancelled, Twitch Of The Death Nerve have found a new way to deliver the brutality of their live performance to the fans. On Saturday, April 25th, they will be streaming their performance at 2020s Xxxapada Na Tromba festival in Portugal. This is not some fan filmed phone footage; this is multiple camera angles and fully mixed and mastered audio from a multi-track desk recording. This is as close as you can get to the Twitch Of The Death Nerve live experience without the blood, bruises and sweat.

The stream goes live at 8pm UK Time on Saturday and can be viewed at the band's website or at the Facebook event page

Don't miss what promises to be an incredible display of maximum intensity brutal death metal!

The album A Resting Place For The Wrathful is out now on Comatose Music and the reviews tell you exactly what to expect from this monstrous creation...

"Brutal death metal album which will make you bleed!" - DEADLY STORM
" of the nastiest records, you’ll hear all year." - DISTORTED SOUND MAG
"...a prime cut of UK Death Metal..." - AVE NOCTUM
"...onslaught of unhinged brutality." - METAL TEMPLE

For more information on Twitch Of The Death Nerve click here
Visit Twitch Of The Death Nerve on Facebook
Visit Comatose Music

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