Gravehuffer - Featured Interview & The Zach Moonshine Show Saturday March 30 2019, 6:44 PM
Gravehuffer - Featured Interview & The Zach Moonshine Show

Ritchie Randall from Gravehuffer joins The Zach Moonshine Show for a live Q&A with fans and listeners! We talk about the new EP coming out on Noslip Records, getting the band on vinyl, the gear that Ritchie uses, and the fallout from Bluntface Records. This episode features new music from Gravehuffer, Pestilent Death, Bastardizer, Vortex Of End, Blind Scryer, A Forest Of Stars, Eye Of Nix, Order Of The Owl, Tommy Stewart's Dyerwulf, Smoulder, VARGRAV , L.A.GUNS and much more!

Track List

1 - Chamber Of Wretched Souls, Torturous Incantations, Pulsating Entrails - Pestilent Death
2 - The Zach Moonshine Intro: 'Pulsating Emails' and the shouts to the chats and listeners.
3 - Whiskey 'til Death - Bastardizer
5 - Ride The Sun - Blind Scryer
6 - Children Of The Night Soil - A Forest Of Stars
7 - A Curse - Eye Of Nix
8 - Bullshitting On Air: Talking about the new Gravehuffer and being a DJ.
9 - Demon Face, Stalingrads Cross - Gravehuffer
10 - Gravehuffer Interview featuring Into The Crypts Of Rays (Celtic Frost Cover)
11 - Wood Valley - Order of the Owl
12 - Shadow in the Well - Tommy Stewart's Dyerwulf
13 - Graft - A Hanging
14 - The Abyss of My Subconscious - Jason Aaron Wood
15 - Howls Of Iniquity - Necrotion
16 - Bastard Steel, The Sword Woman - Smoulder
17 - As the Shadows Grow Silent - VARGRAV (Finland)
18 - Bullshitting On Air: Talking about whats next for Machine Head
19 - Davidian - Machine Head
20 - Bullshitting On Air: Talking about The Dirt on Netflix and Motley Crue
21 - City Boy Blues, Louder Than Hell, Uncle Jack - Motley Crue
22 - Bullshitting On Air: Talking about Corabi with Crue.
23 - Shot In The Dark - Ozzy Osbourne
24 - Bullshitting On Air: Talking about the new L.A. Guns
26 - Get Out of Rehab - Ted Axe
27 - The_Watcher_on_the_Threshold - AORATOS
28 - Just Like Clockwork - The Flesh Hammers
29 - Skulls - The Misfits
30 - Holiday In The Sun {Sex Pistols} - Skid Row
31 - Acid Rain - D.R.I.
32 - Drunken Wisdom, Playing With Spiders/Skullkrusher - Overkill
33 - Curse Of The Pharaohs, Black Funeral - Mercyful Fate

Listen to the full show below!

Listen to the interview alone on YouTube!

Pre Order the new EP Below!


Since their inception in 2008, Gravehuffer has crafted their sound into an other-worldly amalgamation of Crust, Punk, Metal, Grindcore, and unapologetic down-tuned Sludge-laden Doom. With an assortment of original songs in their repertoire that showcase the vast array of influence the band pulls from and a fearlessness to never conform or compromise, Gravehuffer is in it for the sake of the song.

Check out the last record below!

Check out the music video!

Check out this video from the studio!

Big shout out to Ritchie and the rest of Gravehuffer! Every time i order something from them, they hook it up to the max, with stickers and posters and all kinds of stuff! If you dig this band, you should support them! I guarantee they will not disappoint!


Reviews - Interviews - Promo - Radio Play




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Gravehuffer Really enjoyed this man! Appreciate the support 🍻🍻🤘🤘
6 years ago
