Vokonis release video for "Grasping Time" Friday February 1 2019, 7:54 PM
Vokonis release video for "Grasping Time"

Vokonis release new video

Heavy prog-metal-trio, Vokonis have just released a video for their track "Grasping Time" via Heavy Blog Is Heavy. The song is taken from their upcoming album of the same name which will be released in Autumn of 2019.

The site commented "I was expecting some kind of choir-like backing vocal line but instead got a fully fleshed growl/scream, a mighty roar into the microphone that left me feeling quite pleased. That one moment of aggression, repeating several time throughout the track, painted everything else in a new light and contextualized it. It made me feel Vokonis’ passion and dedication to their craft, going beyond “just” playing great Elder influenced music and making it their own, putting their mark on it."

Watch the video here: http://www.heavyblogisheavy.com/2019/02/01/exclusive-premiere-see-vokonis-engage-in-grasping-time/

Check out more Vokonis here: https://vokonis.bandcamp.com/

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