MR. MACHINE: New Music Project Featuring Horror Icon Bill Moseley Coming This Spring Monday January 14 2019, 8:01 PM
MR. MACHINE: New Music Project Featuring Horror Icon Bill Moseley Coming This Spring

[Photo by Lucinda Jenney]

MR. MACHINE is a new music project featuring horror icon Bill Moseley (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, House Of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects et al), and Drew Shoup and Lyric Ferchaud, both of Texas thrash unit/Housecore recording artists, Warbeast. The trio is currently composing their debut which promises to be a wholly twisted endeavor.

Comments Moseley, "Cornbugs on the windshield, falling down off Spider Mountain, Bill & Phil said they'd give us a ride, but along came this rusty old robot named MR. MACHINE with a red top hat and conveyor belt suspenders, belching black smoke, jaws chawing on rivets and bolts, so we climbed aboard, and God knows where we'll end up!"

"It's surreal to be able to create music with someone that I have always admired," says Shoup of the union, "Bill is a great actor and lyricist and to be able to work with him is stellar!"

"It's a true honor to be creating music with the talented Bill Moseley," adds Ferchaud. "With a wide range of sounds from beautifully unique, to wretched and ugly, this is a prime example of an uncommon musical experience"

The band's as-yet-untitled offering is slated for release this spring with further details to be unveiled in the weeks to come. Stay alert.

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