Korrosive - Toxic Apokalypse - Reviewed By cultmetalflix! Tuesday December 27 2022, 8:43 PM
Korrosive - Toxic Apokalypse - Reviewed By cultmetalflix!

Korrosive - Toxic Apokalypse - Reviewed By cultmetalflix ! Check it out here at this link: https://cultmetalflix.wordpress.com/2022/12/21/abrasive-audio-obliterating-the-bookmarks-year-end-22/

Touted as “Extreme Thrash”, whatever that might in fact mean, I went into this with an open mind. It took less than 10 seconds to understand what I was letting myself in for. The moniker is spot on, for this is indeed Thrash. Swift, uncompromising and brutal, pounding upon the entryways to many other genre domiciles with both fists. Each track bears enough napalm to level a flotilla of battleships and ferocity in excess to have even the most hardened Cartel member running for cover. Fused with Death, Black and the occasional grinding Salvo Korrosive have conjured a collection of tracks to incite interest from a multitude of extreme audio aficionado’s ear. With obvious homage to a slew of standout acts, including (but in no way limited to) Slayer, Sodom and Kreator this album is guaranteed to dominate playlists way past its initial unleashing upon the unsuspecting, but excitable, masses - cultmetalflix

Release Date: October 7th, 2022

FFO: Slayer, Kreator, Sodom

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada

Short Bio: Formed in 2015, and solidifying a lineup in 2021, Korrosive has pushed thrash metal beyond its boundaries with their two albums. 

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Artwork by Ed Repka
Produced by Ben Erikson
Mastered by Arthur Rizk

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