Heathen Beast releases new lyric video for ”F**k CAA” Wednesday May 27 2020, 11:26 AM
Heathen Beast releases new lyric video for ”F**k CAA”

Hailing from India, Heathen Beast released their new lyric video for the track F**k CAA.

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised But It Will Be Heard" is set to be released on June 21st, 2020.

1. Fuck C.A.A
2. Fuck N.P.R & N.R.C
3. Fuck Modi-Shah
4. Fuck The B.J.P
5. Fuck Your Self Proclaimed Godmen
6. Fuck Your Police Brutality
7. Fuck The R.S.S
8. Fuck You Godi Media
9. Fuck Your Whatsapp University
10. Fuck Your Hindu Rashtra
11. Fuck The Economy (Modi Already Has)
12. Fuck The Congress

Pre-Order the album from http://heathenbeast.bandcamp.com - The album will be available for FREE download on 21st June.

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