Arktotus - Black Veins - Reviewed by FULL METAL MAYHEM! Sunday April 17 2022, 4:25 PM
Arktotus - Black Veins - Reviewed by FULL METAL MAYHEM!

Arktotus - Black Veins - Reviewed by FULL METAL MAYHEM ! Check it out here at this link:

Release Date: The album will be released on April 29, 2022.

Other releases of the band: With this you will soon release your third studio album and they have also recorded a live album.

On which label released: Kvlt and Kaos Productions are responsible for this piece of Russian black metal.

How did I get to know the band: As with my other review of today, the Metal Devastation Radio sent me the tracks, but I was really curious about what to expect.

How do I find the disc: So far so good. At first glance, it doesn't sound bad. The disc lacks a little power, but that's the only drawback. The vocals sound damn evil, apparently they have also managed to put a damn pissed crow in front of the microphone. The instruments do their job properly, but that's where the last kick is missing.

Worth mentioning is YOUR DICTATOR, which goes directly to the front and finds a great mix of hardness and speed. Clearly my favorite on the album. Only the strange acoustic part towards the end disturbs the picture a bit, but you can overlook that. THE LORD OF DARKNESS is also really fun for me. A little groove in black metal doesn't necessarily hurt and here they show how to install it properly.

Conclusion: The album really has something. Although it has its weakness, but also its good sides. I don't hear much of the melodic out there, but black metal, which may still have to develop. In any case, listen to the teaset: FULL METAL MAYHEM

Release Date: April 29, 2022

FFO: Thulcandra, Sacramentum, Unanimated

Location: Unknown

ARKTOTUS was created in 2006 by Cimeries as a one-man project. In early 2007 a full line-up was recruited. This is how the team formed their unique Melodic Black Death Metal style. In these 16 years, ARKTOTUS has shared the stage with a lot of bands in more than 1000 concerts.

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