New promo materials available from Dead Mill Media Monday August 2 2021, 5:23 AM
New promo materials available from Dead Mill Media

On October 1st Void Wanderer Productions & War Productions are thrilled to announce the debut of Schavot, 'Galgenbrok' on CD digipack and LP winter '21/'22 via Rabauw

As if multi-instrumentalist Floris wasn't busy enough (in the past two years he released four albums with his bands Asgrauw, Meslamtaea and Sagenland),
he still found the time and inspiration for a new solo project.
Thus Schavot was created in the year of the face mask (MMXX) and before you could say knife he had written, recorded and mixed eight songs for a full-length.
The only things he outsourced were the cover (a painting by Johan Prenger) and the master (by Tuianti) for the debut 'Galgenbrok'.
The 37 minute long piece is a reflection of his love for nature, folklore and the second wave of black metal.

Schavot (Dutch for scaffold) breathes the atmosphere of nature, which can be rough and ruthless, but also magical and full of beauty.

"Only the trees witnessed what happened in the distant past. Events, which to date are still told in folk tales. Old hollow oaks might whisper the story of witchcraft, perhaps they saw ‘Huttenkloas’ wandering the moors, looking for an unsuspecting merchant to rob and crush his skull with an axe. Torn old pines with dead branches might have seen the will-o'-the-wisps, that lured travelers into the depths of the marsh."

'Galgenbrok' (Dutch for gallows bait) breathes the atmosphere of nature, which can be rough and ruthless, but also magical and full of beauty.
Not only is 'Galgenbrok' pure nostalgia in terms of lyrics, the music too is an ode to the times of yesteryear.

'Galgenbrok' was recorded in 2021 by Floris.
Mastering was done in Tuianti with old analogue tube equipment for the desired old school sound. To complete the second wave atmosphere, Johan Prenger painted the cover by hand in true black metal tradition.

'Galgenbrok' will be released October 1st 2021 through Void Wanderer Productions (The Netherlands) and War Productions (Portugal) on digipack CD format.

A vinyl version of 'Galgenbrok' is expected to be released in the winter of 2021/2022 through Belgian label Rabauw.

1. Tussen Muren
2. Galgenbult
3. Witte Juffer
4. Helleveeg
5. Moerasland
6. Droglicht
7. Jammerklacht
8. Rooftocht

Schavot facebook
Schavot instagram
Void Wanderer bandcamp
War Productions bandcamp

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