VINCENT CROWLEY – “Beyond Acheron” - Reviewed By Beyond Metal! Monday July 19 2021, 12:09 PM
VINCENT CROWLEY – “Beyond Acheron” - Reviewed By Beyond Metal!

VINCENT CROWLEY – “Beyond Acheron” - Reviewed By Beyond Metal ! Check it out here at this link:

Vincent Crowley, is a guy who does not need much introduction, is quite known his participation in a seminal band by those eighties in Florida, he took his first steps with Nocturnus, his best known band, the extinct Acheron and his other appearances and projects such as Wolfen Society and more recently Infidel Reich, among others. Vincent Crowley, comes to form his band of the same name, after the dissolution of Acheron. VC, has met with a number of elements and excellent musicians to shape the main idea. The guitarist Art Taylor, who was in Acheron precisely in the last work of the band "Kult The Hasses", it is almost obligatory for others, not to be able to separate in principle, these two entities because one, is now, consequence of the latter, Ryan Arter, on drums, ex- Blood Coven, while the bass session was recorded, between Crowley and Taylor, while the keyboards by Aaron Warner, undoubtedly a conjunction of talent and skills, clearly, the intro of the album and with "Where No Light Shines", which jumps to the despeñadero, VC, from the first moment indicates the musical orientation, also based as usual, on the artistic projects in which he has been involved previously offering an enormous weight , not only to the musical part itself but also giving importance to the lyrics and the conceptual respect, this is a section where many times some bands neglect and leave aside being one of the most striking aspects when it comes to capturing the ideas in some songs, in this VC item, at no time detracts from its value, much less importance, establishing the premise, "music is part of a trinity: sound, lyrics and voices". Two masters of Terror, Poe and Lovecraft, have again been taken into account and as the basis of inspiration for writing the prose in "Beyond Acheron". The sound and the variations for the classic make the delight of the listener in every second, songs like "My Eternal", "La Muerte" or "Bring For The Dead", by the way, go theme this. The sequence and the same direction is clearly the invocation of the ancient and classic sound of Heavy Metal, that spirit of the first-timers Black Sabbath, Mercyful Fate, Venom, Bathory, in terms of taking as a line of action, that essence of that type of bands, it is incredible that it does not sound forced, nor halfway, the themes flow integrally. The balance both in the mixes and in the mastering of Joe Viera (Jacob's Dream, Robot Lords Of Tokyo, etc) is a very high flight, the final capture of the sound I liked very much. The graphic and visual image in general, especially the cover despite not being so original is perfectly perceived the sense, work of Timo Wuerz (Obscura, Sacred Steel, Acheron, etc). So far, everything to perfection, in the last two tracks without counting the Outro, "Masquerade Du Macabre" and "Farewell (At Death's Doom)", we have like two stages within the same album, on the one hand, a Heavy / Death part and on the other more towards the Doom with certain settings in the background of keyboards, but, we feel in a certain way the loss of power of some first songs and as a result leaves us a feeling of a little more for the end that could be better. Macabre metal of excellent invoice, an optimal production and a masterpiece that does not have the perfect score but for that slight bewilderment closing the album, incredible work of guitars and solos, the bass tracks has tessituras and the deployment in execution that give the necessary character to the songs. Lovers of classic Celtic Frost, Necrophagia or Death SS metal, the energy of Metal music is scattered here in a timeless way, which begins with a debut of the best of its possible forms. - Beyond Metal

ODIUM RECORDS proudly announces the premiere of the debut album of an underground
legend VINCENT CROWLEY “Beyond Acheron".

Released July 9, 2021

FFO: Acheron, Mayhem, Celtic Frost

You can listen to the blelow!

You can buy Lp / die hard Lp/ digi cd / jewel case cd/ Wooden box / t-shirt / longsleeve at: or

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After 30 years of fronting Black / Death Metal underground legends ACHERON, lead vocalist Vincent Crowley put the group to the rest to pursue a solo career with the new band - VINCENT CROWLEY. Back from the blacked Abyss, this new musical entity veers to a different dark path from his past work. Instead, the material is influenced by all kinds of metal music and is hard to be automatically lumped into any certain genre. Along with their macabre music, a visual stage - show of horror is planned for live performances. 

VINCENT CROWLEY is trying to bring back the feel of days of the underground that wasn't limited and constricted to one music genre. Fans of ACHERON, BLACK SABBATH, BATHORY, MERCYFUL FATE/KING DIAMOND, TROUBLE, CELTIC FROST, CANDLEMASS, and even DANZIG could all enjoy this new band. 

“Beyond Acheron” was recorded at Sonic Lounge Studios with Joe Viers as a producer. This 8-track album has a dark sound while maintaining a great production. 
Lyrically, “Beyond Acheron” is a conceptional album. It climbs the rungs of the latter of death. From beginning to end it takes the listener on a ghastly journey with somber tales of doom, casting a Poe-esque shadow. 

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