Basic Info
5 years ago
Pre-order "Looking For You" here:
Out January 31st
Tuomas states:
”This is the Crown Jewel of the album. This song is exactly what so-called ABBA-Metal is all about. Haunting and dramatic keyboards, strong melodies and tons of vocal tracks. I worked closely with Finnish synthesizer artist Kebu to achieve this wonderful vintage keyboard sound. I let myself go into world of 80’s synthesizer music and then my band mates helped me to arrange the song into an AMBERIAN DAWN- song. “
Music: Tuomas Seppälä
Lyrics: Capri
Mixed & Mastered by Emil Pohjalainen
Amberian Dawn: Capri (voc), Tuomas Seppälä (keys), Emil Pohjalainen (guit), Joonas Pykälä-aho (drums), Jukka Hoffren (bass)
Guest Musician: Kebu (keys)
Video produced by Dark Noise Productions
Executive producer: Christian "Chrism" Pulkkinen
Director, Co-Producer, Editor: Artturi Rosten
Director of Cinematography: Henri Marttila
2nd Camera Operator: Artturi Rosten
Gaffer: Atte Heinonen
Stage Lights: Otto Hyyskä
Color Grading: Atte Heinonen
Capri's close-ups: Karri Harju
Capri's makeup on close-ups: Katri Metso
Making of /behind the scenes: Asko Salminen
Set Decorator, Production Design & Location manager: Minja Tuomisalo
Hair, Make-up: Johanna Tuominen
Puppeteers: Joonas Kankare, Hanne Lammi
Adolina_ Elina Ylitalo
Shadow People: Hanne Lammi & Joonas Kankare
Dark Noise Productions and the director would like to warmly thank:
Olli Hakala, Nicholas Pulkkinen, Jupe Louhelainen & Ville Muurinen / Twisted Films, Chrzu, Brinkkalan Talo, Ekotori
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