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2 years ago
AI: BACH TO THE FUTURE MUSIC VIDEO by THE GREAT KAT! Artificial Intelligence Has Taken Over The World and The Great Kat is here to Shred AI into the Future with HYPERSPEED! The Great Kat stars as the HOT SHRED ASTRONAUT on the HYPERSPEED SPACE SHIP shredding AI: BACH TO THE FUTURE with her adorable ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ROBOT, the nerdy scientists, and Astronaut crew. The Great Kat Shreds Guitar with her Male Back-up band, while taking over the AI computers and shredding AI INTO the HYPERSPEED FUTURE! Watch the Adorable AI ROBOT RUN AMOK while the SHRED GODDESS GREAT KAT GOES AI CRAZY! Artificial Intelligence has MET ITS MATCH with THE GREAT KAT GUITAR SHREDDER on AI: BACH TO THE FUTURE! NOW GET READY FOR HYPERSPEED!
The Great Kat is the "Top 10 Fastest Shredders Of All Time" (Guitar One Magazine), the famous Juilliard Graduate Violin Virtuoso, the Reincarnation of Beethoven and the Only Guitar/Violin Double Virtuoso since Paganini. The Great Kat shreds at lightning speed on both guitar & violin with entertainment and excitement, bringing genius Classical Music to the Entire World!
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