Taken from the debut full length album "The Bust of Beelzebub", due for international release on the 22nd of October 2021.
Pre-order the album here:
Directed by Andreas Lindborg, Mattias Wold & Slick Iverson
Camera & Edit - Mattias Wold
Digital Colorist - Hallstein D Mala
Grip - Sindre Gjerde Solemdal
Actor - Slick Iverson
Equipment provided by Varde Film As
All rights reserved Edged Circle Productions / Varde Film As 2021. All music and lyrics by Phantom Fire. Produced, mixed and mastered by Iver Sandøy.
Follow the band:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PhantomFireOfficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phantomfireofficial