Basic Info
4 years ago
This is the third music video off the album "Hadopelagic" by Montreal melodic death metal band Sanguine Glacialis.
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Scenario: Marc Gervais
Camera: William Belhumeur & Alexandre Primeau
Assistant: Kevin Hou
Montage & VFX: Marc Gervais & Jean-Michel Cristofaro
Antoine Thol Lamarre
Corinne Cardinal
Jean-Philippe Parent
Alexandre Lavoie
Martin Lépine
Rachel Thomas
Maxime Côté
Laurie-Anne Bronsard
Thierry Vadnais-Lapierre
Marie-Pier Grenier
Jessica Dupré
The band:
Maude Théberge - Vocals & Keyboard
Marc Gervais - Bass & Backvocals
Jonathan Fontaine - Guitar & Backvocals
Alexandre Lépine - Guitar
Jérémy Racine - Drums
Filmed at L'Oasis du Vieux Palais de l'Assomption
Song recorded, mixed and mastered at The Grid Studios by Christian Donaldson and Marc-O Fréchette
Special Thanks to:
Marc-Antoine Jussaume
Julie Boulais
Pier Luc Boyer
Long & McQuade
Album distribution by Propagande
La forza del alma rompe
El corazón de un hombre
The sound of clear voices was muted by ignorance
What is considered as a waste of time is sometimes vital
Les mensonges attirent
Une absence de chair sans contrôle
C’est une race floue pour ceux
Qui bloquent l’entrée de leur subconscient
Une ombre invisible susurre
« Rends-toi! Vas-y! »
Le liquide noir refoule et…
…avale sa proie
Ils brûlent sont énergie
Et frappent!
Les couleurs s’assombrissent
Et meurent!
Among those that wished to die, a creature waited
It hoped a fool would come to deliver its soul
From a cold and heavy load of putrid flesh
L’eau noire ravive les maux
L’air froid du nord rassure
Avec la mort qui guette
L’égo ne se doute de rien
La lumière s’échappe dans un tunnel sombre
Torned and chained, my heart is crushed
Listening was hard with broken ears
It’s black and corrupted
It’s powerful but soulless
Vivre est pire que mourir
Coincé dans une chair morte
Il regrette amèrement
D’avoir noyé son écoute
The evil creature took pleasure to its revenge
It’s not dead, but it’s not alone anymore
The legend says they both live in the abyss
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