One Master: At the Hour of SaturnCVLTNationblack metalEntitled Reclusive Blasphemy, expect nothing less than thirty-six minutes of cursed, vitriolic fury. From the oppressive dissonance of the opening track At the Hour of Saturn to the haunting...
ABACUS: EN THEORYCVLTNationcrust“En Theory” is the debut album from Abacus (Columbia, SC), to be released March 3, 2015 via 10 Foot Woody Records. Produced by Phillip Cope (Kylesa). Recorded at The Jam Room Recording Studio in...
04. Benevolent TechnologiesCVLTNationdark waveQual is Lebanon Hanover’s bassist and vocalist William Maybelline.
With his solo project he aims to examine his personal view on music, Maybelline moved from the pop touch of well-known and...
Gnaw Bone: InitiumCVLTNationblack noiseInitiated in the late months of 2015 with a focus on pure aggression, GNAW BONE is a duo which channels the primitive power of the natural world through monolithic tones and pummeling rhythms....