The Dos and Don'ts of Interacting with Your Radio Listeners

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Zach Moonshine
08/06/19 10:14:10PM
194 posts

As a radio broadcaster, it's important to interact with your listeners to give them the best experience possible and to build loyalty. It can also be extremely rewarding to talk with listeners as well as valuable for improving your station. You can interact with listeners on social media, via email or chat, at events, in person, on calls, etc. Regardless of the medium, there are some dos and don'ts to interacting with radio listeners that you should be aware of to ensure that you have the best interactions with them possible. So, keep on reading to learn about some of these dos and don'ts!
 Respond to listeners' questions, comments, critiques, etc. briefly and kindly. In some instances, note that a like or retweet may be the best course of action to acknowledge a listener.
 Always think before you speak.
 Engage in conversations when applicable. If you are tagged in something, look for opportunities to create a conversation with your listeners.
 Be transparent in letting listeners know the best ways to support you and your station.
 Post to social media regularly. Listeners want to hear from you.
 Share interesting things with your audience, whether that be music, news, articles, or anything else that you believe they will be interested in.
 Remember that it is better to ignore some comments than to react to them and post something without truly thinking.
 Note that some conversations should be held in private, not on social media for the world to see.
 When interacting in person, be mindful of your body language. Nonverbal communication is just as powerful as verbal communication.
 Always proofread.
 Thank your listeners for listening, following you on social media, engaging with you, and so forth.
 Ensure that your interactions are personal and genuine.
 Be careful with your use of all capital letters.
 Use your research about your audience and known commonalities to your advantage in your interactions.
 Be open to and ask for feedback.
 Remember your tone. Sometimes tone can be difficult to read, especially for those that don't know you personally, so be mindful of not only what you say, but how you say it.
 Don't spam your listeners, even in private messaging.
 Don't dwell on listeners' comments, critiques, etc. Some people will be rude with the intent to just be mean, so remember that when interacting with listeners. There will also be a larger amount of people that will be kind and want to give you genuine feedback, so let the love overwhelm any hate.
 Refrain from oversharing your life. Some things may be relevant to share with your listeners, while other things cross the line and are inappropriate. Remember that while they may seem like friends in some ways, they are listeners.
 Don't lose track of correct spelling and grammar on social media as well as in emails and chats.
 Avoid being too pushy, sarcastic, arrogant, or needy. Your listeners will notice these things when interacting with you and it will turn them away.
 Don't be rude. You know the saying, “If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.”
 Refrain from complaining to your listeners.
 Don't become too bold behind the computer. It is easy to say things online since you aren't face to face with anyone. However, you are still always accountable for the things you say online.
Although these dos and don'ts may seem simple, it is easy to get caught up in your interactions with listeners, especially in the beginning. That's why it is best to have these in the back of your mind to direct your interactions to ensure both you and your listener walk away with a positive experience. Whatever you do, be sure to give your listeners some love back. They tune in and support you, so you want to show them that the love doesn't go unnoticed and that you truly appreciate them.


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