Vinnechi V-rOcKs PiT Petaccio
Vinnechi V-rOcKs PiT Petaccio

Today is vinnechi.petaccio's Birthday

Today is vinnechi.petaccio's Birthday

Today is vinnechi.petaccio's Birthday

Today is vinnechi.petaccio's Birthday

Today is vinnechi.petaccio's Birthday
V-rOcKs PiT
Tuesday June 30th 2020

KISS- Creatures of the Night (Live), Rob Zombie- Call of the Zombie/ Superbeast, Sacred Reich- The American Way & Who's to Blame, Lamb of God- Black Label (Killadelphia Version), KORN- Falling Away from Me (Live), Channel Zero- Black Fuel, Megadeth- Chosen Ones, Scatterbrain- Don't Call Me Dude, Cinderella- Night Songs, SKREW- Chaos Reigning, Corrosion of Conformity- King of the Rotten & Cast the First Stone, Inner Thought- Disorder of Battle, RAVEN- the Hell Patrol (Live), Primal Fear- Hounds of Justice, Lizzy Borden- American Metal (Live) & Psychpath (Live), Slipknot- Purity, People=Shit (Live) & Heretic Anthem (Live), Leatherwolf- the Calling, Iron Maiden- Tailgunner (Live), Judas Priest- One Shot At Glory, Rammstein- Feuer Frei (Live), Tomb of Finland- Funeral Pyre, Ozzy Osbourne- No More Tears, ACCEPT- Balls to the Wall, Autograph- Turn Up the Radio (Live), SLAYER- South of Heaven/ Silent Scream, 213 & Psychopathy Red, OVERKILL- Thunderhead (Live), World of Hurt & Necroshine, DEF LEPPARD- Rock of Ages, MOTORHEAD- Burner, Chimaira- Cleansation (Live), Dimmu Borgir- The Serpentine Offering, EXODUS- Heads You Win (Tales You Lose), UNITED- (It's So) Hard to Breathe, MACHINE HEAD- Locusts, LAAZ ROCKIT- Leatherface (Live), Loudness- Crazy Nights, Heaven Shall Burn- The Weapon They Fear, Children Of Bodom- If You Want Peace.. Prepare for War & Knuckleduster, the Bloody Stools- Choke the Load, DESTRUCTION- Nailed to the Cross (Live)
V-rOcKs PiT Playlist
Monday; June 15th 2020

Morbid Angel- Angel of Disease & Rapture, DEATH- Pull the Plug & 1,000 Eyes, Drowning Pool- Bodies (Live), Megadeth- Hangar 18, S.Y.F.T.- Away, Hurricane- Spark In My Heart, ACCEPT- Fast As A Shark (Live), KREATOR- Phobia (Live), PANTERA- A New Level, Chimaira- Secrets Of the Dead, Five Finger Death Punch- Never Enough, RATT- Lay It Down, Ozzy Osbourne- Mr. Crowley, SLIPKNOT- New Abortion (Live), SIX FEET UNDER- Human Target, Amon Amarth- God's Of War, Iron Maiden- the Number of the Beast (Live), Limp Bizkit- 9 Teen 99, ANCILLOTTI- Revolution, Judas Priest- Love Bites, Cateract- Nothing's Left, Terrifier- Metal or Death?, VENOM- To Hell and Back, Onslaught- Damnation/Powers From Hell, Powerwolf- Son Of a Wolf, Children Of Bodom- In Your Face (Live) & Are You Dead Yet? (Live), Lamb of God- the Faded Line & A Warning, Funeral For A Friend- A Rose For the Dead, KATAKLYSM- The Road to Devastation, SLAYER- Post Mortem/ Raining Blood (Live), Skid Row- Slave to the Grind, Possessed- the Exorcist, Exorcist- Black Mass, GoatWhore- Sky Inferno, Testament- The Preacher, Blind Witness- For Life, Ace Frehley- Outer Space, GOREROTTED- Gagged, Shagged and Body Bagged, Lita Ford- Gotta Let Go, DORO- All We Are, ANVIL- Free As the Wind, PRO-PAIN- In For the Kill, 3 Minutes of Hate & Destroy the Enemy, EXODUS- War Is My Shepherd, Saliva- Survival Of the Sickest, KAMELOT- the Great Pandemonium & Silence of the Darkness, FEAR FACTORY- Body Hammer, EKTOMORF- Show Your Fist, MACHINE HEAD- Exhale the Vile, Jungle Rot- Facedown & Gasping For Air, OBITUARY- BlindSided

Today is vinnechi.petaccio's Birthday
V-rOcKs PiT \

Whorrid- Embrace the Ruins, Destruction, Thrash Til Death, S.O.D.- Kill Yourself & Pre Mentsral Princess Blues/ Pussy-Whipped,
Torture Killer- Fuck Them While They Bleed,
King Diamond- Mansion in Darkness, Fates Warning- Silent Cries & Anarchy Divine,
Krisiun- Refusal, Hypocrisy- Let the knife Do the Talking, Pro-Pain- Fuck Shit Up, Dreams of Damnation- the Bloodletting, Sodom- Lords of Depravity, Mercyful Fate- Curse of the Pharoahs & Black Funeral, Venom- Welcome to Hell, Exodus- Bonded By Blood & Brain Dead, Kataklysm- Temptations Nest, Jungle Rot- Face Down & Gasping For Air,
3 Headed Moses- Hung Upon An Upside Down Cross, Graveworm- Hateful Design, Cannibal Corpse- I Cum Blood, Lust of Decay- Septic Tank Abortion, Morbid Angel- Dominate, Slayer- Hell Awaits & At Dawn They Sleep, Slipknot- Sic & Surfacing, Stone Sour- 30/30-150, Graveworm- Bloodwork, Torture Killer- Flesh Breaks to Open Wounds, Death- Infernal Death & Open Casket, Amon Amarth- Twilight of the Thunder Gods & Gaurdians of Asgaard, Pro-Pain- In For the Kill & Don't Kill Yourself to Live,
Slayer- Psychopathy Red & Killing Fields,
Black Sabbath w/ Ronnie James Dio- E5150/Mob Rules & Neon Knights, Pantera- Conceit (Attack the Radical), Walk & Fucking Hostile, Inmoria- Come Insanity, Killswitch Engage- Fixation on the Darkness, Sevendust- Praise, Imbyra- Pain Soaked Haze, Souldrinkers- Damn the Machine, Masnada- Ganja Waya, Elektrika- Zombie Factory, Five Finger Death Punch- White Knuckles & Under and Over it, GWAR- Gor Gor, Sodom- M-16, Dew-Scented- A Rise From Decay, Witchery- the Reaver, Overkill- Electro-Violence & In Vein, Sodom- Napalm in the Mourning, Skeptik- the Last Laugh, Bolt Thrower- At First Light & the Kill Chain, Self-Inflicted- Pain Calls, Exodus- 44 Magnum Opus, Skitzo- Gag Like a Maggot, Venom- Buried Alive, Kreator- Enemy of God & Reconquering the Throne, Cannibal Corpse- Hatchet to the Head & Death Walking Terror, Kataklysm- To Reign Again, Death- Crystal Mountain, Napalm Death- the Code is Red... Long Live the Code, Mercyful Fate- A Dangerous Meeting, Destruction- Curse the Gods & Nailed to the Cross, One Man Army- Killing Machine, Morbid Angel- Eyes to See,Ears to Hear, Pro-Pain- Foul Taste of Freedom and Obituary- the End Complete
vinnechi-v-rocks-pit-petaccio is now following timscott
5 years ago
