MIASMAL SABBATH premiere new track at NoCleanSinging.com Friday August 21 2020, 4:00 PM
MIASMAL SABBATH premiere new track at NoCleanSinging.com

Today, Grecian D-beat/death occultists Miasmal Sabbath premiere the new track  "The Oracular Voice"  at heavily trafficked web-portal  NoCleanSinging.com . The track is the second to be revealed from the band's highly anticipated debut album, Ominous Radiance, set for international release on September 25th via Unholy Prophecies. Hear Miasmal Sabbath’s "The Oracular Voice" in its entirety exclusively  HERE .

Miasmal Sabbath are a power-trio hailing from northern Greece. Although the members have a wide variety of backgrounds playing in other bands under the wider umbrella of metal, hardcore, and punk, Miasmal Sabbath was formed with a singular purpose: to create swampy, D-beating death metal. A self-titled EP was released in 2016 on local underground label Sewer Grinder, followed the next year the two-song Ascension of the Foulest EP, also courtesy of that label. Between the two records, Miasmal Sabbath kept their death metal pure while also nodding prominently to punk.

Alas, the best had yet to come for Miasmal Sabbath, and it at last arrives with the band’s debut album, Ominous Radiance. Right from the start, from the simmering, slow-burn opener of “Invocation of Death Essence,” Ominous Radiance boldly proclaims itself as a staggeringly accomplished, fully-formed work. While the specter of death loomed large over its short-length predecessors, Miasmal Sabbath here have a firmer, far-deeper grounding in deeper thematics of the occult, as suggested by such song titles as “The Oracular Voice,” “Ghostly Aura Bathed in Stellar Luminence,” and especially “Wisdom of the Occult” among others. As such, their ceaselessly surging style of D-beat/death transcends the hokiness of so much “fun” otherwise laboring lazily under that banner, and the trio ably exude a suitably ghostly aspect to their powerful push and pull (and push some more). In other words, Ominous Radiance charges hard – VERY HARD – with all the crush ‘n’ clang you’d expect from a band equally influenced by Indecent and Obscene as Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing, as much Mental Funeral as Allday Hell, but is given haunting atmosphere and deceptively epic songwriting which squarely put this into a rarefied realm altogether. And with the whole eight-song album clocking in at nearly an hour, Ominous Radiance carries a totality that’s indeed radiant to behold, and brilliantly so.

A new dawn fades, and a darker sun is on the horizon…behold Miasmal Sabbath’s Ominous Radiance!

The next radiance can be felt with the brand-new track "The Oracular Voice" exclusively  HERE , courtesy of NoCleanSinging.com. The first radiance can be felt with the previously revealed "Chaos Magnvm" both  HERE  at Unholy Prophecies' official YouTube channel as well as  HERE  at the label's Bandcamp. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Miasmal Sabbath's Ominous Radiance
1. Invocation of Death Essence
2. Celestial Prodigy
3. The Oracular Voice
4. Chaos Magnvm
5. Ghostly Aura Bathed in Stellar Luminence
6. Wisdom of the Occult
7. Umbra Mortis
8. The Terminable Nature of Existence

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