New message from Red Mesa Saturday August 15 2020, 1:16 PM
New message from Red Mesa

Today is the 6th Anniversary of Red Mesa’s S/T (self-titled) debut album. It was recorded by Howard Wulkin (who now runs Farmadelica Sound in southwest FL) in Albuquerque, NM. The completed recording budget came in under $900 and ran over the course of 2 and ½ days in March of 2014. We scheduled the recording to line up with a full moon, which powered one of late night sessions.

The original lineup consisted of myself, Duane Gasper (drums) and Shawn Wright (bass). We spent the fall/winter of 2013-2014 writing and jamming in an old railroad boxcar storage area off I-25 in ‘Burque.

We played our first show at a hotel lounge bar called Malarky’s (now permanently closed) which was a part of a hotel chain. The sound engineer said our volume reached 110db, which probably explained the rapid exit by the majority of the bar patrons and audience.

We pressed 100 copies of CD’s, which we sold directly to our few fans, family members, and via CD Baby. The CD’s have been sold out for a few years, but resurfaced on EBay a year ago by some “scalpers” for over $100.

We made a very cool music video in the summer heat in 2014 for the song “Low and Slow”. Filmed on location at the sand dunes West of Albuquerque, we filmed the video in one live take!
We posted the video on YouTube and on FB, which was seen by Bucky Brown. He alerted Todd Severin at Ripple Music, who reached out to us to be a part of The Second Coming of Heavy compilation. We recorded the album with Matthew Tobias of Empty House Studio in August of 2015. Vol. 4 came out in December of 2016.

To say Red Mesa has evolved would be an understatement. Six years later, multiple rhythm section lineup changes, and a ton of hard work, has led us to our current lineup (and hopefully for many years to come) with Roman Barham and Alex Cantwell and our best record yet, “The Path to the Deathless”.

I want to thank every single person who has helped along the way. Bandmates, fans, reviewers, labels, studios, venues, and family.

Please enjoy our music and merch with 10% off at our Bandcamp page.
Use code: redmesasix
at checkout.

Thank you for listening to Red Mesa’s interpretation of #DESERTROCK
Much love!
-Brad Frye
Founder Red Mesa
Owner/Operator Desert Records

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