BÁRBARA BLACK Gets Interviewed By Unrated Magazine! Sunday July 12 2020, 12:32 PM
BÁRBARA BLACK Gets Interviewed By Unrated Magazine!

BÁRBARA BLACK, last months band of the month on Metal Devastation radio was interviewed by Dan Locke from Unrated Magazine ! Check it out below!

What was your upbringing?

Vocal technique, piano, music theory, harmony, History and Music Science, and Music and Singing Teacher

How did you discover music?

Music was always in my life since I was a child. My parents listened to Black Sabbat, Led Zeppelin, Judas Priest and Europe at home. My father had a beautiful vinyl collection.

How did you start to write music?

When I was 15 years old, I started writing lyrics and composing melodies for my first rock band in my neighborhood.

What was your first performance at like?

Honestly … it was a total mess haha hahaha I was really nervous and embarrassed and practically had my back to the public.

What was the title of your first original song? Did you record it?

There were too many before but I remember “Al compás del alma” and unfortunately it was not recorded, because it was at the beginning of Black Rock.

One of the first thing you did once you started your solo career was doing an almost spiritual rock song called “Shiva” Tell me about why you decide to go solo and the meaning behind Shiva?

I started my solo career because I needed freedom in the creative field and because I didn´t  want to hide myself behind the name of any project. “Shiva” was born from the idea of a new beginning based on the idea of reincarnation, I really like to write about nature and spiritual energy topics.

Tell me about Vintage Jazz Cabaret?

Vintage Jazz-Cabaret was a band to work and learn even more about music. It allowed me to grow in different music styles not only in rock or metal. All this learning contributed so much in the for Barbara Black’s compositions. We played standard jazz songs like “All of me”, “All that jazz”, “Feeling good” at restaurants and weddings… it was a wonderful time.

How the band did get its name?

The name of Vintage Jazz-Cabaret arises from the purpose of referring to classical jazz songs, movies and shows like Chicago, Cabaret and Burlesque.

Do you think that Vintage Jazz Cabaret would be a good band for someone who would like to discover some new music?

It is perfect for someone who wants to listen different music dynamics and the vintage sound.

About that same time, you did a very cool thing on Madrid TV. You played Telemadrid Buenos Días Madrid. You should do that more often. A stripped-down version of a song.

Thank you!

What is your favorite track on the album?

My favourite song from “Love, Death & Flies” it´s “Damnified” because of the power and fury it has. I think the other band members did a really really great work.

How do you stay healthy while touring?

I try to sleep 7 or 8 hours a day, I do vocal warm-up exercises before each concert, I speak only if necessary and take hot soups hahaha, basically I listen to my body.

What are you’re feeling about streaming music?

I think it is great that music and culture can reach every corner of the planet as long as it doesn´t replace the record´s sale, so necessary for musicians.

Digital vs. Vinyl?

Vinyl will always have that nostalgic romanticism that rockers will always love.

Any plans to tour?

We had to postpone all the concerts we had scheduled due to the quarantine so at this point we are booking new dates in Spain and even abroad.

What are your feelings about the social uprising going on in the United States?

We agree 100% with the fact that skin color is not a reason that can decide a relationship with anybody. We are totally against any racist act.

What song from the past is in your mind right now? And what is the meaning that song means to you?

Mr. Big’s “Big Love” because it was the first song I tried to sing as a teenager and in this quarantine, I tried to sing it and recorded again.

How do you feel the Covid-19 virus going to affect the music business in the future?

The music business is going to be very affected, professional and underground bands are going to suffer a lot. But not only bands, technicians, managers and photographers … I hope that the festivals, record labels and promoters … bear this situation and not everything goes to hell.

What have you been doing with your self-quarantine?

I´ve been tele-working so hard and taking time to sing new songs and study different and demanding styles to improve myself. One of the best things of music is that you never stop learning. Furthermore I´ve been recording videos on my Youtube channel talking about the secrets of the songs from my new album.

Have you discovered or rediscovered any new hobbies?


Barbara Black

I have discovered a design and sewing TV program that I never imagined I would like so much. In addition, I have also been hooked up by some youtubers with whom I have been entertained a lot. And I have also done much more sport than before.

Lots of people are doing nightly concerts over either YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. One of the things I so you doing is releasing the video “Heroes above the Stars” Acoustic Version. Did you do this for today’s heroes (doctors and nurses)?

Lyrics was written before this catastrophe, but absolutely the message, energy and lyrics are related to people who has fought and overcome difficulties, and undoubtedly, we can associate it with this terrible pandemic situation.

Do you think it will be possible to make a living doing concerts this way?

Maybe it is a short-term solution for a while, but do we really think that we can always bear to see a musician through a screen? or never feel the vibration of a bass? or feeling the heat of the audience again? I think all that feeling is lost 100%. And of course, this is not a viable path for a professional musician.

First it was an article in the New York Times, then Rolling Stones talked about it and finally Live Nation CEO said that concerts may not start again until fall of 2021. Do you think this could happen?

In all likelihood, unfortunately music and culture are not a priority in our society. I think it will take us a long time to go to concerts like before.

With Social Distance being the norm. Do you feel that it maybe the end of music fest for the next couple of years?

I don´t know if it may be the end but without a doubt it will condition new security measures, reduction in the venue capacity and new social norms that we have to get used to even if we do not like them.

What about Holographic concerts in our living room?

If you mean 3D motion pictures at home, I think it will still be a while until that happens, but it will be fun.

How do you see yourself in the next five years?

I live day a day, I don’t ask myself those kinds of questions haha haha

Anything you would like to say in closing?

Thank you so much for this great interview and for this opportunity, rock and metal fans will be able to know us better

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