Black Pestilence Premiere Album Stream “Hail The Flesh” via Metal Injection Friday May 1 2020, 1:41 AM
Black Pestilence Premiere Album Stream “Hail The Flesh” via Metal Injection

Calgary, Canada’s most versatile metal band Black Pestilence is now streaming their new album “Hail the Flesh” via Metal Injection. Listen HERE .

The trio is stoked to release their sixth studio album, their most refined and mature record to date. Working hard over the last year and a half, the band has been pounding out their signature blend of black metal, punk, and noise. The result is 9 blistering tracks with fast drums, angry vocals, and an array of synthesized melodies. 

Raising hell since 2008, Black Pestilence has reached an apex of refined satanic torment. Band founder, bassist and vocalist Valax adds:

“‘Hail The Flesh’ will be fast, and chaotic. Lyrically, for it, I talk about glorifying the carnal lifestyle and celebrating Earthly pleasures and indulgences. I am inspired by so many different avenues for lyrics. Without sounding too cliche, most of the lyrics are about Satanism, but not on a theistic level, just true, carnal, humanistic Satanism. Many other songs are also about social issues.”

Black Pestilence is for fans interested in Impaled Nazarene, Municipal Waste, and Midnight.

Over the course of twelve years, Black Pestilence has  released five full-length albums, filmed four music videos, and performed all over Canada and Europe. They have also shared the stage with a number of notable bands including The Black Dahlia Murder, Toxic Holocaust, Absu, Skeletonwitch, and Wednesday 13.

“Hail the Flesh” will be available on May 1st and is available for pre-order on  Bandcamp  along with their previous releases.

Pre-Save for Spotify Playlist  here.

Music Video 'Spurn All Gods' here .
Lyric Video - 'My Will To Power' here .

Track Listing:
1. Hail The Flesh (2:30)
2. Spurn All Gods (3:51)
3. Hellfire (3:29)
4. True To The Dark (2:38)
5. Cloven Division (3:46)
6. Godless (3:14)
7. Frauds To The Throne (4:28)
8. My Will To Power (3:29)
9. Ephemeral (6:41)
Album Length: 34:09

"A recent discovery that has tickled the excitement nerves in my jaded and encrusted ear drums is Calgary’s Black Pestilence. Their take on black metal incorporates old-school thrash and punk and if you listen closely you can hear the smatterings of plain ol’ rock ‘n’ roll and swaths of noise and is a sound that has been explored and nurtured since the band formed as a one-man project in 2008. The band’s handlers claim those fans of Toxic Holocaust, Impaled Nazarene, Municipal Waste, Midnight and Cradle of Filth unconcerned with genre boundaries will enjoy Black Pestilence and we have to say the nail has certainly been hit on the head in that regard. Additionally, fans of image and theatrics will find value in the band’s aesthetic which owes to a collision of black metal, goth rock and Judas Priest’s wardrobe and fashion sense. " - Decibel Magazine
"an album that really has a surprisingly wide range within the black/thrash/punk style so if you love that sort of black and roll aggressive metal, then “Hail The Flesh” will be an album for you." - The Rockpit
 "They really don’t have another gear beyond ‘top’ which makes for a splitting headache of heavy but one that satisfies. After all there are only 9 tracks and as Godless spits and snarls, Frauds to the Throne exudes filthy groove, My Will to Power rages hard and Ephemeral drags the suffering out, the over-riding thought is Black Pestilence have impressed." 8/10 - Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life
"First things first, it’s not every day you hear black metal as fun as this! That is partly because of the exciting thrash and not-so-serious punk influences, but also because the songwriting is very strong. " 4/ 5 - The Independent Voice
"dirty, punky Black/Thrash that occasionally makes feedback noises and consistently slaughters everything in its path." 4/5 - The Metal Crypt
"They can smash extremely well, and their blend of black metal aesthetic with punk attitude is a perfect fit " - 4/5 - Deaf Sparrow
"a musical union of black / thrash & punk that just rock ROCK! I give 9 out of 10 Hellfire points" - Hellfire Magazin
"Bringing a sonic assault to listeners….." - Permafrost Today

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