Lutharö Streaming New EP “Wings of Agony” Before Officially Out March 27th Thursday March 26 2020, 10:32 AM
Lutharö Streaming New EP “Wings of Agony” Before Officially Out March 27th

Lutharö, from Hamilton, Canada will be unleashing their sophomore EP “Wings of Agony” on March 27th and this release promises to be more innovative and imaginative than the last one. Lutharö stepped out of their comfort zone for this recording and they anticipate a solid reception from current and new fans.

Their catchy riffs, blazing solos and vocals ranging from vicious growls to cleans that will send a chill down your spine, make Lutharö a well-rounded powerhouse of a band that brings beauty, aggression and skill to the genre.

Before they officially release the "Wings of Agony", they have teamed up with for its exclusive full stream below.  Lutharö is suggested for fans of Arch Enemy, Unleash The Archers, and Amon Amarth.

Listen to "Wings of Agony" HERE .

Watch music video 'Wings of Agony'  HERE

Spotify HERE .

EP pre-order on Bandcamp .

Track Listing:
1 – Barren (5:21)
2 – Diamond Back (4:31)
3 – Blood Lightning (4:41)
4 – Will to Survive (5:09)
5 – Wings of Agony (6:02)
EP Length: 25:45

For more info:  


Lutharö hails from Hamilton, Canada and this group of motivated musicians is bringing a fresh take on heavy metal to listeners around the world.

Meticulously blending a range of sounds from death metal to power metal, Lutharö is quality extreme music for all audiences. They formed in 2013 and with furious passion and drive, quickly established themselves at the forefront of the local metal scene.

Vocalist Krista Shipperbottom takes inspiration from everyday life events to create the powerful lyrics which she then belts out to the energetic guitar work performed by Victor Bucur and John Raposo. The powerful low end comes from bassist Chris Pacey and keeping everything together is Duval Gabraiel on drums. The highly streamlined group works collaboratively on each track to ensure a unique and diverse final product.

Over the years, Lutharö has grown into their distinctive sound, emerging with a heavy and dark formula that gets fans moving. In 2018, they released their debut EP “Unleash The Beast” to great reception and are set to follow it up in 2020 with their sophomore release “Wings of Agony”.Catchy riffs, blazing solos and vocals ranging from vicious growls to cleans that will send a chill down your spine, make Lutharö a well-rounded powerhouse of a band that brings beauty, aggression and skill to the genre.

Their unbridled stage domination has been apparent with live gigs alongside Unleash the Archers, Alestorm, and The Agonist. Even with an already impressive resume, Lutharö is just getting started.

"Wings of Agony" is due out March 27, 2020.

"Along comes Canada, showing the world that independent unsigned metal bands can kick just as much ass, if not more, than any act on the Nuclear Blasts or Metal Blades or Roadrunners out there. Now on their third EP since 2015, Ontario’s Lutharö keep going from strength to strength as their sound expands... pick up Wings Of Agony – digitally or physically – and support independent artists who are as good as this. If the sheer impact behind Lutharö can’t convince you that the metal community continues to go from strength to strength, then I do not want to be your friend. 9/10. Fantastic." - Metal Observer
"Bringing a fresh take on Heavy Metal to listeners around the world, this up-and-coming Canadian band returns with a darker yet still very melodic sound in their brand new (and excellent) EP... Krista and her henchmen are undeniably talented, crazy for metal music and extremely focused on what they do, spreading their wings all over Canada and soon the world with their breathtaking music for our total delight." - The Headbanging Moose
"Should you feel the need for either power metal or melodic death metal that’s just a little bit different, “Wings of Agony” is definitely for you." - Skull Fracturing Metal
"Epic in its ambition, scope and delivery, it is a powerhouse of a release, combining elements of power metal and thrash with accurate alactrity. With each of the five songs linked by a theme of following your dreams and passions, it has a consistency of approach that permeates every pore of its being. The songs are superbly written and constructed, with plenty of thought put into them, and this is aided by the hugely complementary performances from each of the five band members, and especially the wonderful use of clean and growled vocals… sort of like Lacuna Coil but without the symphonic elements. This is a magnificent slice of powerful heavy metal from a band that deserve every accolade that will undoubtedly come their way when this hits the shelves at the end of the month. Glorious in extremis." - Uber Rock

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