ZALMOXIS stream new SIGNAL REX mini-album at Black Metal Daily Tuesday January 28 2020, 6:24 AM
ZALMOXIS stream new SIGNAL REX mini-album at Black Metal Daily

Today, medieval black metal sorcerer Zalmoxis streams its epic new mini-album, A Nocturnal Emanation , at heavily trafficked web-portal Black Metal Daily . Set for international release on January 31st via Signal Rex on cassette and single-sided 12" vinyl formats, hear Zalmoxis' A Nocturnal Emanation in its entirety exclusively HERE .

Zalmoxis stands for storming and epic German Black Metal. Still early days, this concurrent project of Fortress of the Olden Days mainman Entheogen has so far released two demos - the latter of which, Pralayic Beheading, was released by brother label Harvest of Death. These early works suggested a restless soul steeped in the ancients, black metal of a most medieval vintage.

Now Zalmoxis strikes back with an ambitious 25-minute single track ominously bearing the title A Nocturnal Emanation. A none-more-apt description of its contents if there ever was one, here Entheogen patiently builds an ethereal-yet-thick fog of sorcerous swirl, its strangely alluring spell drowning the listener in dissonance and dislocated melody. And yet, despite its grandiose length, A Nocturnal Emanation manages to engage at every step, each one rife with grim abandon and on the verge of self-combustion but then righting itself into a surprising twist of texture. This misty 'n' mystical landscape beckons complete immersion...dare you enter?

In the leadup to its international release this Friday, stream A Nocturnal Emanation in its entirety exclusively HERE , courtesy of Black Metal Daily. Mastering by Henri Sorvali (Moonsorrow) at Trollhouse Studios. Cover art, courtesy of Nether Temple Design, and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Zalmoxis' A Nocturnal Emanation
1. A Nocturnal Emanation [24:28]


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