NOISKIN Reveal Title, Cover Artwork and Release Date For New Single! Saturday January 25 2020, 2:03 PM
NOISKIN Reveal Title, Cover Artwork and Release Date For New Single!

Just recently the alternative metallers NOISKIN pre-announced their new single coming out. Today the band reveals the title "One by One", cover artwork and release date, being February 14th, and available on every digital stores. The coverart was created by Leonardo Colombo. Stay tuned!


In 2015, Luca (lead vocals) and Marco (lead guitar) teamed up with their longtime friend Simone (bass guitar) and met Federico (drummer). A common mindset and the different though keen musical backgrounds were the perfect soil to plant the Noiskin seed. The band soon started to work on their first tracks, and found their musical dimension into the alternative metal scene. Songs soon started to draw the common scenario that would become the first full length, Hold Sway Over, released in February, 2019: a concept album revolving around the theme of choices and the situations they put you into. While the album was being written and recorded, the band gigged around northern Italy, and after a couple years. Noiskin is not only music. Noiskin means communicating, it means feeling, it is sharing.

‘Hold Sway Over’ lyric video: &source=gmail&ust=1580062747389000&usg=AFQjCNHLahS9A-zhRtZQxzjPXUHSnS7wmg" rel="noopener">

‘Haze’ music video: &source=gmail&ust=1580062747389000&usg=AFQjCNG_MrOlW0bvsV0gYs0J8vS_zIqdOA" rel="noopener">

More information at
BAND: noiskinofficial
MANAGEMENT: https://alphaomega-management. com | OfficialAlphaOmegaManagement

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