Battle Of The Bands Championship For The Week Of 06/09/19 - 06/14/19 Sunday June 9 2019, 10:49 PM
Battle Of The Bands Championship For The Week Of 06/09/19 - 06/14/19

Who will be the winning champion this week on MDR Battle Of The Bands?

Last month " Sick Lore " won the battle with a crushing 14,583 votes! Check em out HERE !

I am proud to announce a new Championship addition to the already popular Band Of the Month – Battle Of The Bands we host every month on MDR! We now have band of the week as well and how does this work you ask? Well what we will do is run a poll with ten bands each week on starting each week and ending each Friday! The winning band each week will be blog posted on site and played and announced on The Zach Moonshine Show each Friday night between 9pm est and 1am.

At the end of the month we will tally the scores from all weeks polls for that month and the band with the highest score of votes will be the winning band for Band Of The Month which includes a feature on our Facebook page reaching thousands of fans, a feature on the front page of which gets around 100,000 views a month! Airplay every hour on our stream during general rotation and lots of shares on social media! If you want the world to know who your band is, this is the easiest way to make it happen!

If you want to compete in this battle, comment below with the name of your band and we will add you to next weeks battle or sign up and check email every week for battle submissions! Any band can compete an unlimited amount of times in this competition!

Click on the bands below you would like to vote for as many times as you like or add your own! Poll will be open till 4pm est 06/14/19 Image from Wallpaper Abyss

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