Low Moments (Doom) release new song from forthcoming "VOLUME DOOM" Monday February 18 2019, 8:47 PM
Low Moments (Doom) release new song from forthcoming "VOLUME DOOM"

Alternative Control is proud to present "Plague, Take Me," the debut single by Connecticut doom rockers Low Moments. The previously unreleased track is featured on AltCtrl's Volume Doom compilation and is a teaser for two EPs that Low Moments will release in 2019.

Stream "Plague, Take Me" and pre-order Volume Doom here: https://alternativecontrolct.bandcamp.com/album/volume-doom

Connect with Low Moments: https://www.facebook.com/lowmomentsband/

About Volume Doom
Spotlighting artists that have been reviewed on the Connecticut-based music blog Alternative Control, Volume Doom features twelve songs representing an array of subgenres under the doom/stoner umbrella. Blog editor and Owl Maker bassist Jessie May says, "I'm excited to have Connecticut bands alongside those with national and international scopes, and I hope that all the bands on Volume Doom will gain new listeners from being part of this comp!"

Track Listing
1. Year of the Cobra (Seattle, WA) -- The Descent
2. Howling Giant (Nashville, TN) -- The Pioneer
3. Mourn the Light (Norwich, CT) -- Embrace the Darkness
4. Owl Maker (Milford, CT) -- Sky Road
5. Gorge (Tariffville, CT) -- The Great Dying
6. Witching (Philadelphia, PA) -- False Martyr
7. Pinto Graham (New Haven, CT) -- High Flyer
8. Eye of Nix (Seattle, WA) -- Lull
9. 1476 (Salem, MA) -- Winter of Winds
10. Dust Prophet (Manchester, NH) -- Revolutionary Suicide
11. Low Moments (Norwich, CT) -- Plague, Take Me
12. Kurokuma (Sheffield, UK) -- Dope Rider Pt. 1

"Lull" and "Winter of Winds" courtesy of Prophecy Productions. "The Descent" courtesy of Magnetic Eye Records.

Volume Doom will be available for streaming and digital download through bandcamp. All proceeds will go towards Alternative Control's website maintenance costs. Pre-order for $1 or more, or "name your price" of $0 or more beginning February 22nd.

In addition, a limited number of CD copies will be distributed by the participating bands. A release party will be held on February 22nd, 2019 at Altone's Music Hall in Jewett City, CT -- Facebook event here.
Original Artwork by Jim Clegg: https://www.facebook.com/JimCleggart-294235084540444/

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