OCULUM DEI Posts Music Video "Dreams of Desire and Torment" For Debut Album Out Feb 22nd Wednesday January 23 2019, 9:27 PM
OCULUM DEI Posts Music Video "Dreams of Desire and Torment" For Debut Album Out Feb 22nd

L-R = Zebulv (guitars and vocals), Camalus (guitars), Tenebris – (bass, drum and key programming)
Photo By Kenny Kivett

Hailing from the ashes of Charlotte, USA’s darker side comes forth the blackened death trio, Oculum Dei. Mixing different elements and influences of black metal, the band is set to bring forth a horde of darkness and engage listeners into a realm of deep, chaotic experiences.

Hellbent to unleash their demonic war chants from their debut full length on February 22, 2019, the band is sharing the latest music video for the album's title track "Dreams of Desire and Torment".

"The title itself explains the mood changes within the lyrics and the instruments, it goes from a calming deep trance of thought into a chaotic atmosphere of frustrations where basically one is conflicted within them-self dreaming of desires and wants, but being tormented having the dreams knowing they will never happen."

Watch "Dreams of Desire and Torment" at

The band adds:

"The album as a whole is an eclectic mix of slow dark black metal jumping into extreme black riffs sometimes slowed down with a death metal riff and into acoustic guitars. There is no set template for this one, just a groove and feel that each of us has brought to the table."

First forming as a studio project in 2016 by Tenebris (bass/drum and keys programming), Camalus (guitar) and Zebulv (vocals/guitar), Oculum Dei has taken their influences of Emperor, Behemoth and Dark Funeral and push an eclectic unholy blasphemy as far as it will go in the Southern USA's Bible Belt.

Not content to remain as a studio project, the trio has begun performing locally and have shared the stage with Carach Angren, Wolfheart, and Mors Principum Est. Clad in corpse paint with an elaborate and continuously evolving stage show, Oculum Dei has heavily invested into their extreme visionary madness.

Download and stream of singles "Blinded By Gods" and "Dreams of Desire and Torment" available on Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon.

Lyric Video "Blinded By Gods" -

Show Dates:
March 2 - Lynchburg, VA - The Stoney Badger Tavern


Track Listing:
1. Involuntary Pandemic
2. Ghost In The Corridors
3. Kingdom Of Hell
4. Dreams Of Desire And Torment
5. A Cold Winters Plight
6. Blinded By Gods
7. A Mist Of Heaven Inside Of Hell

Oculum Dei is:
Tenebris (Bass, Drum And Key Programming)
Camalus (Guitars)
Zebulv (Guitars And Vocals)

For more info:
Online Store - https://oculumdei.bigcartel.com
EPK - https://wp.me/pciNW-cQg

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